Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Monday May 01, 2023
Will deRover Hunting stories
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Supporting Conservation with Coffee with Will deRover
Show Notes:
My buddy Will deRover is an interesting cat. He’s a husband and a father of four boys, and the youngest was born about a month ago. Will’s 27 and he’s been hunting since the age of 18. As a kid, his family wasn’t into hunting or the outdoors, but he really got into it because of his wife and his in-laws. Will owns half of BearTrack Outfitters in Manitoba where they do guided black bear hunts. He’s also the founder and owner of Bear Beans Coffee, which is what we’re getting into here.
Will started Bear Beans Coffee about two years ago to stay involved with the outdoor industry when COVID shut his outfitter down for a while. It’s also Will’s way of giving back to the hunting community. Recently, Will started getting an idea of how he could support conservation better. Today, Bear Beans has conservation partnerships with a number of groups, including Howl for Wildlife. Howl for Wildlife has its very own branded coffee through Bear Beans, and a portion of the profit goes directly to us as a donation.
With all the attacks on hunting in the US and Canada, the more companies that can support the hunting lifestyle and passion, the better. Along with info on how to get your hands on some coffee, Will shares some of his best hunting stories. He’s got a great story about himself and his business partner, as well as stories from his outfitting trips.
What’s Inside:
How Will supports conservation through Bear Beans Coffee.
Will’s hunting stories.
Info on Will’s outfitting business.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Bear Beans Coffee
Bear Beans Coffee on Instagram
Short Description:Will deRover started Bear Beans Coffee about two years ago to stay involved with the outdoor industry when COVID shut his outfitter down for a while. Recently, Will started getting an idea of how he could support conservation better and now, Bear Beans has conservation partnerships with a number of groups, including Howl for Wildlife. Along with info on how to get your hands on some coffee, Will shares some of his best hunting stories.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, conservation, hunting support, wolves, bear hunting, Bear Beans Coffee, outfitting, deer hunting, moose hunting

Monday Apr 24, 2023
It doesn’t always go as planned Kia and Talon Philips
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
It doesn't always go as planned Kia and Talon Philips at the Arizona Hunt Expo
Show Notes:
I caught up with Kia and Talon Phillips at the Arizona Hunt Expo, which is put on by Arizona Game and Fish. It was a pretty big turnout, and I’m pleasantly surprised. The last time I attended was during the pre-Covid days, and it definitely wasn’t as big as it was this year. Stieg Phillips, who owns Muley Maniacs, is Kia and Talon’s brother and I got the chance to interview him in a recent episode. Kia just started an outdoor gear business called AK Lloyd, and she’s working on some cool products. They’re getting ready to come out with a USB-heated sleeping bag/bed roll, so stay tuned.
Kia and Talon share with me some hunts that had some unfortunate events and show the not so pretty side of hunting and how at times the emotions and adrenaline make us make rash decisions.
Kia and Talon both had some pretty awesome hunts last year. Kia’s hunt was up first at the end of October. She had a muzzleloader elk tag in Nevada, and they saw a lot of really good bulls when scouting. Her husband convinced her to put in for the hunt because it went into the rut a bit. They watched one bull in particular and decided to go after him at the end of the hunt. With the help of a couple of friends and a little luck, they got the job done.
Next, we get into Talon’s hunt, which was a day or two after Kia’s. He scouted throughout Kia’s hunt but didn’t see anything decent. However, a friend of theirs spotted another bull across a valley, and they decided to check it out at night. Eventually, they spotted him again and he got set up. Talon hit him in the shoulder on the first shot with a 28 Nosler. All hell broke loose after that and Talon shares the story of how he wound up finally getting him down.
What’s Inside:
Info about Kia’s new company, AK Lloyd.
Stories from Kia’s elk hunt in Nevada.
Stories from Talon’s hunt and how he got his bull.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
A.K.Lloyd Outdoor Gear
Short Description:I caught up with Kia and Talon Phillips at the Arizona Hunt Expo. Kia is about to launch a new company called AK Lloyd, and we get into the products she’s developing. Kia and Talon both had some pretty awesome hunts last year and here, the two share their stories.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, conservation, hunting support, elk hunting, Nevada, Arizona Hunt Expo, bull, Nosler, muzzle loader

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Turkey and Predator Hunting with Logan Holtz
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Turkey and Predator Hunting with Logan Holtz
Show Notes:
My buddy Logan Holtz joins me to talk turkey, predator hunting, and everything in between. Logan grew up in north central Wisconsin. He attended the University of Wisconsin and worked in the outdoor industry his whole career, including at Cabela’s corporate headquarters. Logan also worked at Burris Optics, and today, he’s at QuietKat E-Bikes. Hunting is one of his major passions, and it’s given him a number of great opportunities throughout his life.
Turkey season has already started, and here out west, they’re just about to kick things off. Logan’s an avid turkey and waterfowl hunter, and he’s got over 200 waterfowl hunt videos on his YouTube channel. Before we dive into that, we talk about his ideal coyote setup. His coyote gun is the same one he uses for snow goose hunting; he just changes the choke. With the right kickoff system, you get better target reacquisition. He also has a mounted red dot between the receiver and the stock, but Logan prefers the bead on a shotgun.
Logan and I get into why it’s important to pattern your turkey guns. Whether you’re using a bead or a red dot, the most important thing is to know where that pattern hits. You should be comfortable putting it on a golf ball from 10 yards away, because that’s where many people miss. We talk more in depth about coyote hunting, and I pick Logan’s brain on how he chooses his best hunting spots. We also talk about Logan’s calling sequences, bow hunting turkey and coyote, and more.
What’s Inside:
Logan’s ideal coyote gun setup.
Why you should pattern your turkey gun.
How Logan picks good coyote hunting spots.
Logan’s calling sequences.
Using a bow to hunt turkey and coyote.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Holtz Outdoors on Instagram
Holtz Outdoors YouTube Channel
Short Description:
My buddy Logan Holtz joins me to talk turkey, predator hunting, and everything in between. Logan shares his ideal coyote setup and we get into why it’s important to pattern your turkey guns. We talk more in depth about coyote hunting, and I pick Logan’s brain on how he chooses his best hunting spots. We also talk about Logan’s calling sequences, bow hunting turkey and coyote, and more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, turkey hunting, coyote hunting, predator hunting, archery, bow hunting, decoy, waterfowl, patterning

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
The Impact of Howl for Wildlife with Jesse Deubel
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
The Impact of Howl for Wildlife with Jesse Deubel
Show Notes:
I recently had the chance to join Jesse Deubel on his podcast, Ahi Va. I got in touch with Jesse because of some of the New Mexico State legislation around hunting and wanted to talk about how Howl for Wildlife could provide support. We kick things off by talking all about Howl for Wildlife, starting with the backstory and what’s going on today. Getting hunters to show up can be challenging, but we’ve set things up in a way to make it easier than ever to get involved.
Activism is usually seen as a dirty word, since that’s what the other side calls itself, but hunters are the champions of wildlife, and it’s time we stepped up our advocacy efforts. Jesse and I talk about the New Mexico Wildlife Foundation and some of the things Howl is doing in terms of the tools and technology we have in place. Legislation is complicated, and we’ve overcome some of the major hurdles through our systems and our action center. We also talk about how we came up with the Howl for Wildlife name and logo, some of the struggles we've faced since we started, the debate on the role wolves play in the wild, and how hunters can be better ambassadors for the cause.
What’s Inside:
How Howl for Wildlife removes hurdles from hunting advocacy efforts.
The story behind the Howl for Wildlife logo.
How hunters can be better ambassadors for the cause.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Ahi Va Podcast
Short Description:I recently had the chance to join Jesse Deubel on his podcast, Ahi Va. Jesse and I talk about the New Mexico Wildlife Foundation and some of the things Howl’s doing in terms of the tools and technology we have in place. We also talk about how we came up with the Howl for Wildlife name and logo, some of the struggles we faced since we started, the debate on the role wolves play in the wild, and how hunters can be better ambassadors to the cause.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, Howl for Wildlife, hunting advocacy, conservation, hunting legislation, anti-hunting

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Jordan Sillars of Meateater
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Inside the Campaign to Divorce Hunters from Wildlife Policy with Jordan Sillars
Show Notes:
Jordan Sillars is a writer and managing editor for MeatEater. He covers firearms and conservation as well as American literature and hunting stories. Jordan started freelancing in 2020 and started working full-time for MeatEater last April. He didn’t grow up doing a lot of hunting but got into it later in life. Jordan’s currently living in east Texas, and he loves to hunt whitetail, hawk, and squirrel. He also goes after white and hybrid bass.
I recently read one of Jordan’s articles and was intrigued because it’s in line with what we’re trying to do with Howl for Wildlife. The article’s called “Inside the Campaign to Divorce Hunters from Wildlife Policy” and it couldn’t be more spot on. Jordan gives us a background of why he decided to write the article and we get into all the details. The topic came under his radar last year with the Wildlife Society Conference, where they gave a group called Wildlife for All a panel discussion. The more he looked into it, the more Jordan realized how big of a campaign it was and how long it’s been going on.
Anti-hunting groups are wising up to what we hunters have been doing to stop their initiatives. Jordan and I discuss the tactics anti-hunting initiatives use and how they often have an advantage, especially when it comes to propaganda. What we can do is to humanize hunting a little better and show what it means to us. Jordan and I talk about things hunters can do to make a difference, the impact of elections and politics, and how the public trust doctrine is used to get hunters on board with anti-hunting policies.
What’s Inside:
All about Jordan’s new article about anti-hunting campaigns.
The strategies anti-hunting groups use to pass legislation.
What hunters can do to make a difference.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Article – Inside the Campaign to Divorce Hunters from Wildlife Policy
Jordan on Instagram
Short Description:
Jordan Sillars is a writer and managing editor for MeatEater. He recently wrote an article all about anti-hunting campaigns. Jordan and I discuss the tactics anti-hunting initiatives use and how they often have an advantage, especially when it comes to propaganda. We also talk about things hunters can do to make a difference, the impact of elections and politics, and how the public trust doctrine is used to get hunters on board with anti-hunting policies.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, MeatEater, hunting advocacy, hunting policy, anti-hunting groups, hunting legislation, Wildlife for All

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Brice Hensley shotguns, chokes, and ammo loads
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Brice Hensley shotguns, chokes, and ammo loads:
This is a live episode we did on Instagram where Brice and I talk about shotguns, TSS ammo, choke tubes, coyote and turkey hunting.
check out Brice at Brice Hensley (@foxtrotammo) • Instagram photos and videos
and Check out Fox trot ammo

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Ryan Lampers live at hunt Expo
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Title: Ryan Lampers
Show Notes:
I had the chance to catch up with Ryan Lampers at Hunt Expo. I love the expo since it fits in perfectly with my Javelina season plans. Ryan and I start our conversation by talking about Coues deer and I recap my Megatron buck story from back in December. We get into chasing Javelina and Coues and trying to see them in the grass and Ryan talks about his trip south of the border. The last time I was in Mexico, I cut my hand trying to cross a fence and it was a pretty tough hunt. I did get a buck and also saw a jaguar!
Ryan’s hunted in Arizona for a number of years, but he’s fairly new to Mexico. He doesn’t do a ton of border hopping since it can be pretty intimidating, especially when you’re carrying rifles. This past January, Ryan went down to a ranch, and he says he saw way more Coues deer in Arizona. They felt lucky to turn up a couple of bucks a day and there were very few does. He was high in the mountains, and it wasn’t as open. Even though it was tough at times, Ryan and his crew had a great time and they did wind up with some good ones.
Ryan and I talk about rifle hunting and chasing mule deer and the challenges that come up. Sometimes the challenge is more with dealing with the weather and elements and locating deer than the actual shot itself. To put more of a challenge on the hunt in Mexico, Ryan put limitations on which kind of deer he was after. We chat about the tag system and different units and how desperation can result in wounded deer. We also talk about getting “the moment of truth” right, getting the perfect range right before taking a shot, and Ryan’s current bow setup.
What’s Inside:
Hunting stories from Mexico
The challenges of rifle hunting
A chat about tags, units, and wounded deer
Ryan’s current bow setup
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
I had the chance to catch up with Ryan Lampers at Hunt Expo. Ryan shares stories from a January hunting trip down in Mexico. We chatted about rifle hunting, chasing mule deer, getting the perfect shot, and Ryan’s current bow setup.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunt expo, Coues deer, Mexico, rifle hunting, bow hunting, mule deer

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Securing Montana’s Hunting Heritage
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
HB419 and the Hunting Heritage Amendment in Montana with Everett Headley
Show Notes:
Everett Headley works for us at Howl for Wildlife as one of our content writers and researchers. I’m talking to him about a couple of bills we currently have up on the action center. Some of the main ones are HB419 and a constitutional amendment, which is out of Montana. Even if you don’t live in Montana, these bills set precedents for hunting everywhere and make it easier for us to do the same thing in other states. I’m working on similar legislation in Arizona and we might see the same things come up next session. We’re all in this shit together!
We start by talking about the hunting heritage amendment in Montana. The amendment currently protects hunting and fishing and we’re looking to enhance that protection to protect the hunting heritage, which means current means of take, like trapping and how we trap. One of the plays from anti-hunters is to first go after trapping and then go after other activities. Everett talks about similar bills in Oregon and protecting the right to food.
Everett and I chat about how hunting legislation impacts non-hunters. Community and society at large benefit from hunter actions and hunter dollars, even if they don’t realize it. We then get into HB419, which Everett calls the Montana bond bill, which requires anti-hunting groups to put up a minimum bond of $50,000 if they want to sue. One of the anti-hunting strategies is to litigate and delay, and even if they don’t win, they could completely ruin a hunting season. When money is on the table, those who suffered losses like guides, local hotels, and outfitters can recoup funds from the bond.
What’s Inside:
How the bills in Montana impact hunting nationwide.
Info on HB419 and the hunting heritage amendment.
How hunting legislation impacts non-hunters.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Everett Headley on Instagram
Short Description:
Everett Headley works for us at Howl for Wildlife as one of our content writers and researchers. I’m talking to him about a couple of bills we currently have up on the action center: the hunting heritage amendment and HB419 in Montana. We get into the details of each bill and how they impact not only hunters nationwide, but non-hunters and society at large.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, howl for wildlife, anti-hunting, trapping, hunting heritage, Montana, conservation, HB419

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Javelina Camp 2023 Armando Martinez
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Javelina Camp 2023
Show Notes:
We’re in the midst of javelina season and HAM hunt, which is handgun, archery, and muzzleloader. I’m with Armando Martinez, Mr. Bow Hitch himself and we’re sitting here in camp, freezing our nards off. It’s snowing and we’ve got some pretty crazy wind gusts, not exactly ideal javelina conditions, but it’s a beautiful country. I first came down with my son and we were helping out Shane with one of my clients. Then Joe and my nephew Anthony came down and we hunted for another couple of days. Now, I drove down and met Armando, who brought the weather with him.
With my client, we got in on three different herds, but things kept falling apart for us. Late in the afternoon, we spotted another herd. Anthony was the number two shot and Shane and Joe were on the radios. We got in tight about 70 yards and then Anthony got in a great shot with a muzzleloader. We almost doubled up, but my gun misfired, and my hunter went home empty-handed.
Armando and I recap our hunt together and we didn’t turn up anything at first. The wind was blowing us over so bad, Shane said we could trust fall in it. We worked our way out to the leeward side and glassed up a group. The rocks were brutal, and our legs were pretty chewed up. I recap some stories from the rest of the hunt and what I’d do differently. Armando recaps his experience using his bow in some pretty interesting terrain. We talk about the Bow Hitch and how Armando and I first got connected. I also tell some stories from a recent trip with my wife, and we get into some of the worries I’ve had over hunting and what the future could hold in terms of rules and policies.
What’s Inside:
Stories from our recent javelina hunt.
Recap of a recent trip with my wife.
Worries about the state of hunting and what’s next.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
We’re in the midst of javelina season and I’m with Armando Martinez, Mr. Bow Hitch himself. We recap our hunt, talk about the Bow Hitch, and how Armando and I first got connected. I also tell some stories from a recent trip with my wife, and we get into some of the worries I’ve had over hunting and what the future could hold in terms of rules and policies.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, javelina, HAM hunt, muzzle loader, archery, hunting policies, stress, howl for wildlife, bow hitch

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Why its so important
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
We are not that far away from losing all hunting as we know it...... If we continue to go down the road we are taking and refuse to lock arms with our fellow hunters the aforementioned statement can and will become a reality