Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Corey Jacobsen
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Corey Jacobsen
Show Notes:
Every hunter has a formula for hunting and this comes out with experience by figuring out what tactics and strategies work for you and your hunting style. Corey Jacobsen is an elk hunter who has tons of stories from his 30 plus years of hunting experience. And with over 3 decades of hunting, he’s finally mapped out the formula that brings him success in the field. We sat down and talked about his hunting formula, what it was like to see his son shoot his first elk and the excitement he still feels on the field even after decades of hunting.

Monday Apr 25, 2022
Jason Phelps - Activism, Elk Hunting, and Calling
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Activism, Elk Hunting, and Calling with Jason Phelps
Show Notes:
Jason Phelps is a man who needs no introduction. But just in case – he’s an experienced elk hunter and an industry leader in game call design and manufacturing. Jason is most known for his credentials as a call designer, but we talked about a whole lot more than just calling. We touched on hunting conditions, elk hunting, and of course – calling strategies.
Before any of that, though, we discussed hunting activism. The movement against hunting rights is only growing. Combine that with all the craziness going on in the world, and it’s more important than ever to stand up for our rights as hunters. Jason lives in NorCal, so he’s right in the thick of the anti-hunting movement.
With that out of the way, we swapped a few stories about elk hunting. Jason’s got plenty of experience hunting elk and the stories he shared makes you wish you were in the hunting field at that very moment. We talked about what Jason looks for in hunting conditions, before getting into the nitty-gritty of elk calling.
There are a lot of ways to call for elk, but there’s also a right (and wrong) way to do it. Given Jason’s experience with just that, he gives very practical and useful tips on elk calling. We ultimately agreed – it’s important to find a way that you enjoy, that also brings success.
What's Inside:
- The importance of hunting activism.
- How hunting legislation gets passed.
- We swap stories about elk hunting.
- Different techniques for calling elk.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Short Description:
I sat down with Jason Phelps, a well known hunter and call engineer. We talked about hunting activism, and how important it is to stand up for our rights as hunters. We also jumped into all things elk. We swapped stories about the hunt and got some great insight on elk calling from Jason.
Hunting activism, elk calling, hunting rights, elk hunting, big game hunting, calling technique, calling , days in the wild, hunting podcast, jason phelps

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Super Tune Your Bow With Chris Dunlap TBT
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Throwback Thursday Super Tuning your Bow with Chris Dunlap.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Colton Gibbins
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Colton Gibbins
Show Notes:
Colton Gibbins is an expert hunting navigator in the Idaho playing field. When this episode was recorded, Colton has had 16 seasons under his belt and has been a guide in Idaho for several years. Idaho offers a great population of elk during hunting season and it’s a great place for bowhunting and rifle hunting. Originally a bowhunter, he shared how he also had to know his way behind rifles because of Idaho’s hunting zones and units system. We sat down and talked about everything and anything you need to know for a great Idaho hunting trip, including Colton’s know-hows, insider knowledge in navigating areas and how hunting zones and units in Idaho works.

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Reading Animals and Using Decoys with Danny Farris
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Reading Animals and Using Decoys with Danny Farris
Show Notes:
Danny Farris and I sat down to talk about reading animals, using decoys, and a whole lot more. Danny’s an experienced hunter in Colorado: he’s the owner of Ultimate Predator Gear, a columnist for Bowhunter magazine and a host for the Hoyt bowhunting podcast, among other things. When it comes to bowhunting – Danny’s your guy.
Danny owns a decoy company, so we kicked off by talking about using decoys effectively. Everyone has their own thoughts on decoys, but Danny says they’re most effective during the rut. The hormonal changes that go on during the rut make decoys extra effective.
From there, we talked about deer hunting. Danny has a lot of knowledge on how deer behave, so it was great to hear him talk about reading the species. We swapped a few stories about just that – how to read deer in the field, and how to predict their next move. That’s easier said than done. We both had a few stories about using decoys during these types of situations on the hunt.
A lot of this comes from your ability to make decisions in high pressure situations. We talked a bit about how we handle those moments. I’ve gotten pretty good at keeping my cool, but that’s another one of those ‘easier said than done’ things. “The ability to stay calm enough to make sound decisions,” as Danny calls it, is a huge skill to have for hunters. It was great to talk about this skill with Danny – it’s an underrated one to have in your arsenal.
What's Inside:
- How to use decoys effectively.
- When to use a decoy.
- What is spot and ambush hunting?
- How to keep cool when it’s time to take the shot.
- Stories about elk, deer, and turkey hunting.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Ultimate Predator:
Short Description:
Expert bowhunter Danny Farris joined me on the podcast this week to talk about using decoys effectively. Danny is the owner of Ultimate Predator, a company that makes decoys for bowhunters. Everyone has their own opinions on decoys, so it was great to hear some expert advice on how (and when) to use them.
Bowhunting, decoys, archery, mule deer, colorado, hunting psychology, turkey hunting, elk hunting, big game hunting, days in the wild, danny farris, bowhunter, hunting tips, hunting stories

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Chad Roberts
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Chad Roberts
Show Notes:
This episode is a must-listen for anyone who’s looking into hunting in Arizona. We got juicy hunting knowledge from a very experienced Arizona deer hunter, Chad Roberts. This was part of my state-to-state deer hunting series and my conversation with Chad is one for the books. We talked about deer tags, weather, terrain, seasons, deer behavior and of course, hunting tactics. Chad absolutely loves the challenge of tracking deer and he walked us through his process from start to finish. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran hunter planning a hunting trip in the AZ field, this episode will definitely give you a great bird’s eye view.

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Predator Hunting with Levi Adamson
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Predator Hunting with Levi Adamson
Show Notes:
I talked to Levi Adamson about predator hunting. Levi’s an experienced hunter, who spends most of his time hunting predator species like coyotes, foxes, and bobcats. He’s got years of hunts under his belt, so it was great to hear everything he had to say.
Levi talked a bit about how he got into predator hunting in the first place. With all the success Levi has had with predator hunting, I picked his brain a bit to get some more info.
We talked a lot about how Levi finds areas to hunt. He has a unique strategy that he’s honed over the years. But, we both agree: the best places to hunt are areas with low hunt pressure. Levi and I both look to hunt in the areas where everyone overlooks. From there, Levi and I traded stories about coyote and bobcat hunting. He’s got plenty of great ones. Predator hunting comes with its own ins-and-outs, and Levi’s got stories to cover just about all of them.
Levi also ran through his entire hunting strategy, from start to finish. It was great to hear how he hunts – he provided lots of great info here for both beginners and experts. Levi talked about his calling sequence, which led us to talking more about predator calling.
What's Inside:
- How Levi scouts hunting locations.
- We swap stories about coyote hunting and fox hunting.
- Levi’s strategy for coyote hunting and calling.
- A start-to-finish rundown of Levi’s hunts.
- How to call various predator species.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Short Description:
I sat down with Levi Adamson to talk about predator hunting. He’s hunted all kinds of predators, including bobcats, foxes, coyotes, and more. We swapped some stories about these hunts, and Levi took us through his entire hunting strategy – it was great to hear firsthand what it takes to have success with predator hunting.
Predator hunting, fox hunting, bobcats, coyotes, predators, arizona hunting, hunting for beginners, big game hunting, days in the wild, levi adamson

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Brandt Smith and Steve Ficco
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Brandt Smith and Steve Ficco
Show Notes:
If you want tactics for success, this TBT episode is for you. Brandt Smith and Steve Ficco both are police officers in Colorado who use their tactical training in big game hunting. During this interview, Steve was running with 27 years of hunting experience and Brandt just shot his biggest buck so far, the year before. One thing quite unique to this duo is they didn’t use guides or outfitters when they hunted. They were all about DIY hunts and became experts at it. These two know whitetails and elks like the back of their hand and they spilled the beans on how their tactical and stealthy approach in hunting became their bread and butter.

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Hunting, Kids, and Conservation with Jeff Barlow
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Hunting, Kids, and Conservation with Jeff Barlow
Show Notes:
I sat down with Jeff Barlow, owner of SneekTec, at the Hunt Expo to talk about some things we deal with as hunters today. Jeff is a lifelong hunter, so he had plenty of great information and insight to share.
We kicked off by talking about hunting with our kids. It can be a struggle to keep kids entertained, but Jeff and I agree that people generally underestimate young ones. If we push our kids to perform, it’s amazing what they can do. We both love hunting with our kids – it was great to swap some stories about those experiences.
From there, we talked about how to teach the kids how to shoot. This got us on the subject of hunting and shooting practice, and what kind of drills can help improve accuracy. Shooting targets is one thing, but hunting in the field is another skill entirely.
I also talked with Jeff about Howl for Wildlife. In today’s world, it’s more important than ever that hunters stand up for our sport. We went through how we got started, and some of the organization’s earliest victories. During my work with Howl for Wildlife, we’ve learned a lot, so it was great to talk about hunting activism with Jeff.
Before we wrapped up, Jeff talked a bit about SneekTec, and what they’re working on these days.
What's’ Inside:
-How to hunt with kids.
-It’s important to push your children to be their best.
-Shooting drills for fitness and accuracy.
-How we started Howl for Wildlife, and what the organization does today.
-What SneekTec is, and how it’s useful for hunters.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
SneekTec Boots:
Short Description:
Jeff Barrow and I sat down to talk about a few things we deal with as hunters and parents. We discussed how to take kids hunting – and how to make sure they actually enjoy it. From there, we went on to discuss Howl for Wildlife, how the organization started, and the importance of hunting activism today.
Tags:Family hunting, activism, conservation, hunting with kids, big game hunting, howl for wildlife, days in the wild, jeff barlow, hunter parents, hunting activism, hunting organization, hunting stories, hunting experiences

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Paul Medel
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Paul Medel
Show Notes:
Welcome to my new series, Throwback Thursday. I’ve gone through my episode archives and picked out some of the best and my favorite episodes from my entire podcasting journey.
Today, we have Paul Medel, owner of Elk Nut Outdoors and a good friend of mine. In this throwback episode, Paul and I talked about elk vocalization and what they’re talking about. We also touched on how to decipher these calls as well as which ones to use and when to use them.