Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Tracking Big Bucks In The Snow Throwback Thursday
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Tracking Big Bucks In The Snow Throwback Thursday
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
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Monday Nov 16, 2020
The Difference Between Hunting on Public or Private Lands with Trey Milhoan
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
The Difference Between Hunting on Public or Private Lands with Trey Milhoan
Show Notes:
When terrain plays a big part in your hunting experience, should you choose a hunt on public or private lands? Trey Milhoan, a professional guide in Colorado, works on private land and hunts for himself on public land, so I thought his perspective would be a valuable one to listen to today.
While the common techniques for elk hunting are centered around calling, bugling, and stalking, Trey’s preferred method is all about getting lost in the wild. And if you aren’t anywhere close to a healthy elk herd like Trey is in Colorado, we offer up some different ways you can learn how to be a better elk hunter.
I’ve been field testing different hunting equipment and Bushnell’s products have consistently risen to the top. For my listeners, they’re currently offering 15% off on anything (not just my favorite products) by using the promo code: STL02.
I also have a couple of slots left, so if you’ve put off getting into a hunt, now is the time to sign up. If you’ve never been out west or you’re looking for some better weather, there isn’t a better time than Arizona in February. I have a limited number of spots and it always fills up fast, so cross off something on your bucket list and book a hunt with me.
What’s Inside:
One of the drawbacks of hunting elk on public land.
How to use glassing as a hunting technique.
How Trey’s been using game cameras to give him a better understanding of what’s out there.
Some different ways you can familiarize yourself with elk hunting even if you don’t draw a tag this year.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags
Book a hunt with John
Connect with Trey on Instagram
Short Description:
When given the option to hunt on public land or private land, which one is better? As a guide in Colorado, Trey Milhoan hunts on private land with his clients and public land for himself, so he sees the benefits and disadvantages of both types of land. He’s going to give us some elk hunting advice on how to approach these different kinds of terrain.
Book a hunt in AZ, hunting in AZ, hunting expedition in 2021, hunting in CO, CO hunting guides, hunting on public lands, hunting on private lands

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Coues Deer Hunting Duwane Adams Throwback
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Coues Deer Hunting Duwane Adams Throwback
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
Help keep this podcast free and give us review on Itunes and leave us a comment to let us know how we are doing !

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Hunting And Judging Mule Deer W/ Marlon Holden Graylight Hunter
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Title: How to Score Mule Deer on the Hoof
Show Notes:
Hunters hunted for meat forever, and so when you shot a big bodied animal, that’s why people wanted to know how big the animal you shot was. But now? That’s changed. Ears, antlers, body size: which one is more important to you as you hunt?
My good friend Marlon Holden, the Gray Light Hunter is discussing his technique for scoring mule deer on the hoof. When you go to Cabela’s, which animals do you look at? I personally prefer the trophies that are unique. Marlon tries to balance the kind of animals he actually sees while hunting with his desire to have a mule deer with interesting characteristics.
If you want to chase rutting deer, you can go from August to March if you switch between breeds and criss-cross the country. Moving from California to Florida means you’re going to need to learn the difference between the breeds and their quirks.
Marlon loves mule deer with a single mindedness that I find funny. In some parts of the country, hunters are hot for javelina hunts or a very specific trophy they want to accrue. “Shoot whatever makes you happy. Don’t ever shoot for score,” advises Marlon.
Rifle season is coming up, so take advantage of my discount codes at some of my preferred vendors. And be sure to check out my new website where I make it even easier to book a hunt with me.
What’s Inside:
How Marlon figures out how big a deer really is.
Why regions and time of year will impact the size of a deer.
Marlon lays out how to score a desert deer.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Follow Marlon on Instagram
Short Description:
From a distance, mule deer always look bigger than they really are. How many times have you arrowed a deer and then got closer only to realize that it wasn’t as old or as big as you’d first imagined? Marlon Holden talks about his scoring strategy, plus other clues he looks for when sizing up a mule deer.
Mule deer hunting, guided mule deer hunt, javelina hunts, how to score deer, scoring mule deer, AZ hunting, AZ guides

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Understanding Weather and Deer Movement Throwback Thurs
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Understanding Weather and Deer Movement Throwback Thurs
This is our new Throwback Thursday episode
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
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Monday Nov 02, 2020
Travis Adams Bucks and Bulls outfitters
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Hunting the Buck of Your Dreams with Travis Adams
Show Notes:
Travis Adams loves hunting, and you can hear it in the stories he tells. His company Bucks and Bulls operates in Utah and New Mexico where Travis guides hunts on private land. We’re talking mule deer today and he shares some of his favorite insights about mule deer with me.
Travis doesn’t just hunt mule deer; his specialty is giant mule deer and giant elk. That means keeping an eye out for older animals. The problem is that the older an animal gets, the better he gets at avoiding hunters.
The logistics of hunting on public land can be challenging which is why Travis’s little niche is that he operates a lot of private ground. If you’ve got questions about hunting in Utah or outfitting, Travis says to give him a call at 801-785-5050 if you want to chat.
I’ve been field testing different hunting equipment and Bushnell’s products have consistently risen to the top. For my listeners, they’re currently offering 15% off on anything (not just my favorite products) by using the promo code: STL02.
If you’re looking for a chance to get out of the house and enjoy a trip to Arizona, book a hunt with me in February when the weather is amazing and the company is fantastic. I do have a limited number of spots available, so don’t wait too long and miss out on this opportunity.
What’s Inside:
How deer are a little like vampires, and how you can use that to your advantage.
The older a buck gets, the smarter it gets at avoiding hunters.
Why Travis prefers private land over public land.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags
Book a hunt with John
Bucks and Bulls on Instagram
Short Description:
As an old-fashioned outfitter based in Utah and New Mexico, Travis Adams loves hunting older mule deer, and he’s willing to outwait them. That patience gets rewarded with trophy-sized bucks and hunting clients who are happy to return again and again to go out with him.
Hunting bucks, hunting in Utah, hunting in New Mexico, hunting white-tailed deer, finding older bucks, outsmarting a buck

Monday Oct 26, 2020
The Controversial Frontal Shot with Joel Turner
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
The Controversial Frontal Shot with Joel Turner
Check out the article I wrote on frontal shots that goes along with this podcast
Also if you want to learn how to be in control of your shot check out Joel's program

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Cold Weather Gear
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Cold Weather Gear review and discussion
I give a run down on what I use and why.. I discuss hunting in the bitter cold of South Dakota on spot and stalk archery hunts and late season elk

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Play by Play Elk Hunt with Sam Ayers Bonus episode
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Play by Play Elk Hunt with Sam Ayers
John Stallone of Days in The Wild joins Sam on The Wild Initiative to Sam’s 2020 season and his very first elk harvest. In this episode, they start with a seemingly impossible draw for Arizona and then go on to discuss the successful stalk in potentially one of the worst ruts in recent history. They also talk about the events that led up to fulfilling that defining first tag.
Check Out Sam's Podcast The Wild Initiative

Monday Oct 12, 2020
Elk Season Recap 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
As with most things in 2020 Elk season was a difficult task but we were able to turn lemons into lemonade.
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
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