Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Monday Jun 24, 2024
Early Season deer Hunts in AZ
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
This is a throwback when we had Eddie Willi on to talk about deer hunting in AZ

Monday Jun 17, 2024
Hunting with Brad Alan
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Did a quick podcast with Brad Alan while I was on the road, Brad travels to hunt all over and has a different perspective on hunting that I feel is valuable to find success.

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Hunting Success in Every State with Chris Neville
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Hunting Success in Every State with Chris Neville
Show Notes:
Chris Neville got his start in the hunting industry working for GOHUNT, where he spent six years after joining right out of college. He recently moved out to Fort Collins, Colorado, and he’s now out on his own doing freelance and consulting work for companies in the hunting space. Chris grew up in Iowa hunting whitetail and as a former eastern hunter, he’s now getting acclimated to how you do things out west.
Chris and I talk about planning hunts in other states where things are unfamiliar. It definitely takes a certain skill set to find success in every state and knowledge is power. You also have to know the state’s rules and regulations and doing as much research as possible gives you a leg up. Chris shares the most important information hunters should retain and we chat about using GOHUNT’s features as helpful tools.
We chat about the differences in scouting in the east compared to the west and how to find the best tag opportunities. The process of getting tags is becoming tougher, but figuring out what you want to get out of a hunt is the best first step. Chris shares his process for picking an ideal hunting spot, some tips and tricks to use GOHUNT to your advantage, and his go-to tools to use while out in the field.
What’s Inside:
What you need to know to have a successful hunt in other states
How Chris chooses an ideal hunting spot
GOHUNT tips and tricks
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Chris Neville on Instagram
GOHUNT WebsiteGOHUNT on YouTube
Short Description:
Chris Neville is a hunting industry freelancer and consultant who spent six years working at GOHUNT. Here, Chris shares tips on how to find success on your hunts in other states. Chris shares his process for picking an ideal hunting spot, some tips and tricks to use GOHUNT to your advantage, his go-to tools to use while out in the field, and more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, GOHUNT, hunting strategy, elk hunting

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Expert Bullet and Rifle Tips with John McAdams
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Expert Bullet and Rifle Tips with John McAdams
Show Notes:
John McAdams is the host of the Big Game Hunting Podcast and he’s here to share some stories and his wealth of hunting knowledge. John grew up in East Texas and joined the Army right out of high school, which then took him all over the country. He gained a ton of hunting experience in the different states where he’s lived, and he also caught the bug to go hunting in Africa.
On John’s podcast, you’ll hear a lot about his trips to Africa as well as his perspectives on hunting across the U.S. He also covers cartridge profiles, comparisons and bullet performance. We kick our conversation off with a discussion on the best bullets and cartridges to use and we talk about a client I took out hunting and discussed in a past episode. We also talk about shot placement and how different animals handle getting taken down.
John and I chat about long range shooting, the difference in expansion and how that can impact your results. For hunters on a budget, John shares his recommendation for the one cartridge and rifle you should have in your collection. We also talk about how to choose the right bullets and projectiles and your best options for shooting in windy conditions.
What’s Inside:
A discussion on long range shooting and expansion
John’s top rifle and cartridge recommendations
How to choose the right bullets and projectiles
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
The Big Game Hunting Podcast
Short Description:
John McAdams is the host of the Big Game Hunting Podcast and he’s here to share some stories and his wealth of hunting knowledge. John and I chat about long range shooting and his recommendation for the one cartridge and rifle you should have in your collection. We also talk about how to choose the right bullets and projectiles and your best options for shooting in windy conditions.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, bullets, cartridges, shot placement, rifles, rifle hunting, ballistics

Monday May 27, 2024
AZ deer hunts Hunter Wheems
Monday May 27, 2024
Monday May 27, 2024
Me and Hunter discus AZ deer hunts, changes, bonus points, some tactics and all around overview check out hunters IG Hunter Weems (@arizonacustomhunts) • Instagram photos and videos

Monday May 20, 2024
Bow tuning for Hunting Ben Gifford
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Ben Gifford of AZ Archery Club and I sit down and discuss bow tuning, arrow building and hunting

Monday May 13, 2024
Secrets to a Solid Elk Hunt with Sam Davis
Monday May 13, 2024
Monday May 13, 2024
Secrets to a Solid Elk Hunt with Sam Davis
Show Notes:
Sam Davis grew up in Wyoming, spending a ton of time outdoors and his dad was an outfitter. He’s been bow hunting since he was 15 out West, shooting everything from mule deer to elk. Sam’s a DIY hunting guy and goes for over the counter tags. He’s also been a guide for 23 seasons. Growing up, Sam didn’t realize how much being around animals shaped his hunting career, but looking back, he’s seen a ton of stuff that many guys won’t.
I pick Sam’s brain about elk hunting, and we kick things off by talking about the best ways to narrow down hunting areas. We talk about why you shouldn’t be afraid to communicate with other hunters to pick up good tips and the top terrain features to look for when you’re scouting elk. Sam likes to work with drainages, open pockets where elk feed, and areas where they can bed, and he walks through his techniques.
Then we get into Sam’s ideal day of elk hunting. He’s an aggressive hunter, and he likes to move towards elk immediately after spotting them. Sam also shares what he’s learned from past hunts, how he handles hearing an elk while he’s glassing, and a story where he had an a-ha moment that changed the way he hunts.
What’s Inside:
The best ways to narrow down hunting areas
Top features to look for when you’re tracking down elk
Sam’s ideal day of elk hunting
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
Sam Davis grew up in Wyoming, started bow hunting at 15, and has been a guide for 23 seasons. I pick Sam’s brain about all things elk hunting, including the best ways to pick hunting areas and what an ideal day of hunting looks like. Sam also shares what he’s learned from past hunts, how he handles hearing an elk while he’s glassing, and a story where he had an a-ha moment that changed the way he hunts.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, bow hunting, elk hunting, scouting, glassing, terrain

Monday May 06, 2024
Tales from the Bow Hunt with Trevor Thompson
Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Tales from the Bow Hunt with Trevor Thompson
Show Notes:
Los Angeles native Trevor Thompson didn’t grow up hunting, but you’d never know that today. He tried his hand at art school before joining the Navy and being a member of the Seal teams for nine years. After getting out, Trevor did a little bit of contracting before working for Black Rifle Coffee and now he works for Protekt Products, a veteran-owned supplement company.
Before he started working at Black Rifle, Trevor got introduced to bow hunting on a black bear hunt and was immediately hooked. He hasn’t gone a year without taking an animal since, and he mostly eats meat from his hunts at home. Trevor’s getting ready to head up to Kodiak to guide for brown bears. We chat a bit about the nature of bear hunting, how it’s changed, and how quota limits get set.
Trevor shares a story from a tough elk hunt he had last year on the west coast of Oregon. He had his mind set on using only a self bow, but things didn’t turn out quite as expected. We trade a couple other stories from past bow hunts and mind-boggling shots, and Trevor shares the story of how he got his first animal with a longbow in Maui.
If you’re a Howl for Wildlife member, you’ll get a discount on Protekt supplements. Check out their website below.
What’s Inside:
How Trevor got into hunting
A story from one of Trevor’s toughest elk hunts
How Trevor got his first deer with a longbow in Maui
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Protekt Products
Trevor Thompson on Instagram
Short Description:
Los Angeles native Trevor Thompson didn’t grow up hunting, but you’d never know that today. He’s a whiz with a bow and we get into some great stories from past hunts. Trevor also shares all about his background, lessons learned from a tough elk hunt, and how he got his first animal with a longbow in Maui.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, elk hunting, bear hunting, bow hunting, self bow,

Monday Apr 29, 2024
Catching Elk Fever with Ty Stubblefield
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Catching Elk Fever with Ty Stubblefield
Show Notes:
From being a part of Born and Raised Outdoors to becoming the Executive Director of the Montana Wild Sheep Foundation, Ty Stubblefield has spent the last 25 years in hunting and conservation. Here, I pick Ty’s brain on elk hunting and he shares some stories from out in the wild. Ty started elk hunting when he was in high school without any mentorship, but after graduating, he joined up with a hunter at the sawmill, where he sharpened his skills.
Ty started out rifle hunting, but his mentor introduced him to bow hunting. Because his early hunting career was a struggle, Ty’s mission now is to help hunters learn as much as possible. Ty shares some of the biggest lessons he’s learned along the way and how he shot his first elk with a bow. You have to have a killer instinct and he says that’s the only way to be successful. Some people don’t have it, but it can be learned with consistency and practice.
Ty and I talk about his go-to approach for choosing an elk hunting area, his top criteria for picking a spot, and what he does once he gets there. We discuss how predation impacts where you hunt and how to draw the right tags. We also get into tips for creating opportunities in high pressure areas, Ty’s top elk calls, and some of his best hunting stories.
What’s Inside:
Ty’s background and stories from his early hunting days
How Ty chooses a good elk hunting spot
Tips for creating opportunities in high pressure areas
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
From being a part of Born and Raised Outdoors to becoming the Executive Director of the Montana Wild Sheep Foundation, Ty Stubblefield has spent the last 25 years in hunting and conservation. Ty and I talk about his go-to approach for choosing an elk hunting area, how predation impacts where you hunt, and how to draw the right tags. We also get into tips for creating opportunities in high pressure areas, Ty’s top elk calls, and some of his best hunting stories.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, elk hunting, conservation, bow hunting, rifle hunting, elk calls, predation

Monday Apr 22, 2024
Baker Leavitt
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Hunting Gets Political with Baker Leavitt
Show Notes:
Baker Leavitt is a Broker of Expertise and the Director of Strategic Relations over at Black Rifle Coffee Company. In the 2000s, he made a fortune in real estate, but when the economy crashed, he lost everything. From there, he went to NYU to learn Arabic, and he started the drink company Kill Cliff, which he sold in the late 2010s. He then started up a consulting company called Digital Mongoose, and today he invests with several top companies.
We kick off our conversation by discussing a recent incident in Wyoming where someone got fined for torturing a wolf. Most of the hunting community, including Howl for Wildlife, was appalled and it’s our goal to see some better legislation passed. Shockingly, some people are against the person being punished, and we share our thoughts.
Baker and I talk about his fishing trips, one of which was with Donald Trump Jr.! Every year, Baker shoots one elk, and he shares his experiences hunting in Utah and Colorado. He lives in Florida, but he also has a farm in Georgia where he hunts whitetail. Baker loves turkey hunting, too. We talk about some of the political stuff Baker’s involved in, and we wrap things up with Baker sharing a story about an elk hunt on horseback in Idaho.
What’s Inside:
Our thoughts on the recent wolf incident in Wyoming
All about Baker’s background and some of the political stuff he’s into
A story from Baker’s elk hunt on horseback in Idaho
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Baker Leavitt on LinkedIn
Short Description:
Baker Leavitt is a powerhouse entrepreneur and investor, and he joins me to chat about hunting, politics, and more. We discuss the recent wolf incident in Wyoming and all the places Baker likes to hunt and fish. We also talk about some of the political stuff Baker’s involved in and we wrap things up with Baker sharing a story about an elk hunt on horseback in Idaho.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, anti-hunting, elk hunting, fishing, politics, hunting legislation