Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Thursday Feb 15, 2024
TBT Kip Fowler on Mule Deer
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
This throwback Thursday taking it back to Kip Fowler to talk about Mule deer hunting

Monday Feb 12, 2024
No more deer hunting
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
In our first syndicated HOWLCAST Update of 2024 we focus on How hunting is much more interconnected than you think and how losing hunting in other states will affect you. We also discuss two of the hotspots that need nationwide attention and support from the hunting and outdoors community: Washington State and Colorado. Because the anti-hunting industry uses their nationwide fundraising, legal and political power to attack at the local and state level, it has become crystal clear that hunters, anglers and supporters of true wildlife conservation need to rally together. The threats that face WA and CO this year can and will surface in dozens of other states - either by forcing changes to predator management, methods of take, taking away trapping or removing your ability to hunt/trail/track/retrieve game with sporting dogs & hounds.
HOWLCAST and HOWL For Wildlife is a resource for our community. In line with the conversation in this Feb. 2024 update, please follow and share the following online resources and social media:
HOWL for Wildlife - join and take action with us.
Save The Hunt Colorado - follow, share and donate today.
Howl - on Instagram
Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Mgmt - on Instagram

Monday Feb 05, 2024
Mr. Consistent Creed Christinat
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Mr. Consistent Creed Christinat
Show Notes:
Creed Christinat is usually a do-or-die Coues deer guy, but he recently shot a giant mule deer. Here, he shares the story about how he got this buck. Creed tried to walk away, but he was just way too impressive to pass up. He had a history with the animal, and Creed goes through the whole journey from when he got the tag to when he took him down.
Even though he says he fails a lot more than he wins, Creed is totally "Mr. Consistent” and puts in a ton of work. Creed says the trophy is in the eye of the beholder, and we talk about how much respect we have for people who ultimately get the job done within the timeframes they have, which sometimes isn’t a lot.
Creed hasn’t scored his muley buck quite yet, and he says he’d rather enjoy him for a bit before he does so. We talk about why we wait sometimes and how, in some cases, we’d rather not know. Creed also shares a great story about an encounter with a coyote on another antelope buck hunt. After a few days of tracking the buck, he sees it flying out of the trees with a coyote on his tail and chases him right out into a meadow! After running in his direction, they turn, and Creed talks about the decision he had to make.
What’s Inside:
How Creed took down an impressive mule deer
Why we don’t always score our deer right away
Creed’s encounter with an antelope and a coyote
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Creed Christinat on Instagram
Short Description:
Creed Christinat is usually a do-or-die Coues deer guy, but he recently shot a giant mule deer. Here, he shares the story about how he got this buck. Creed also shares a great story about an encounter with a coyote on another antelope buck hunt.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, Coues deer, mule deer, deer hunting, scoring, antelope hunting, coyote

Monday Jan 29, 2024
Turkey calling with Scott Ellis throwback
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Turkey calling with Scott Ellis throwback

Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Shafer the passion to leave your mark
Show Notes:
Typically, any music that has anything about hunting in it is in the country genre, but Michael Shafer is breaking the mold. His music is so unique and filled with positive messaging. I’m originally from Brooklyn, and I grew up on rap and hip hop and his style immediately resonated with me. Shafer joins me here to discuss his musical journey, and we talk about the success he’s seen so far.
Shafer’s from Utah, and hunting has always been a part of his family heritage. He was influenced by hip hop as a city kid. When you think of a rapper, you don’t usually think about a white, Mormon kid from Utah, but Shafer is blazing his own trail. We talk about where he gets his inspiration from, how he writes his music, and how he deals with haters.
Shafer and I dive into how his music humanizes hunting and how his message serves as a voice for hunting advocacy. Shafer also shares one of his best hunting stories. If you want to hear some of Shafer’s music, check him out on Instagram and YouTube (linked below).
What’s Inside:
How Shafer is breaking the mold with his music.
Where Shafer finds motivation and inspiration.
One of Shafer’s favorite hunting stories.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Shafer on Instagram
Shafer on YouTube
Short Description:
Typically, any music that has anything about hunting in it is in the country genre, but Michael Shafer is breaking the mold. His hip hop music is so unique and filled with positive messaging. Shafer and I dive into how his music humanizes hunting and how his message serves as a voice for hunting advocacy. Shafer also shares one of his best hunting stories.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, music, hip hop, hunting music, hunting advocacy

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Hunting Javelina with Rick Forrest
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Hunting Javelina with Rick Forrest
Show Notes:
Hunting javelina is near and dear to my heart, and I always have a good time doing it. The legendary Rick Forrest joins me here to share some of his javelina hunting tips. Rick’s been in the hunting space for a long time, especially in the engineering and gear areas. He’s an Arizona native and shot his first javelina at the age of 10. At 13, he got into archery and got hooked on bow hunting. The last deer he shot with a firearm was way back in ’86!
Rick’s killed a javelina every year since his first one, and some years he gets two. Between him and his family members, he’s been involved in around 300 kills. We kick off our conversation with some info about the calls Rick’s developed. He has some stuff on the fixed blade side in development as well. Next, we dive into javelina hunting. Rick shares his habitat tips for how to find them. Spending time scouting and glassing is key.
Rick and I share our thoughts on the best time to catch javelina, since we’ve caught them both at first light and later in the morning. We talk about why you shouldn’t pick on a herd too much and Rick’s top calling tips with examples. We also get into our experiences with what happens when Javelina goes on the attack and how to connect with Rick and buy a call.
What’s Inside:
How to find javelina in the wild
Rick’s top javelina calling tips and call examples
How to get in touch with Rick to purchase a call
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Rick Forrest on Instagram
Rick Forrest on Facebook
Short Description:
The legendary Rick Forrest joins me here to share some of his javelina hunting tips. Rick shares his habitat tips for how to find them, the best times to find them, and his top calling techniques. We also get into our experiences with what happens when Javelina goes on the attack and how to connect with Rick and buy a call.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories,

Monday Jan 08, 2024
Deer Behavior 101 with Moriah Boggess
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Deer Behavior 101 with Moriah Boggess
Show Notes:
I think it’s important to understand deer behavior, regardless of which kind of specific deer you hunt. Getting a good, rounded perspective on what deer do and being able to apply that to your hunting is key. Moriah Boggess is a subject matter expert on deer biology and management. As a deer biologist, Moriah spends his time doing research coordination, working with policy, and handling disease surveillance and management.
Moriah lives on the coast in North Carolina, and we start by talking about the different rut periods all around the country. Sometimes, within a state, you can have several ruts as you move around. We then get into home range, how it changes with the seasons, and how it impacts hunting. Bucks have two jobs in life: to stay alive and leave a legacy. Depending on what time of the year it is, home ranges change based on these priorities.
Moriah and I also discuss scrapes, rubs, and other things that’ll help us uplevel our deer hunting game. Both are communication mechanisms for deer, and Moriah talks about their different purposes. Our conversation also includes how the weather affects deer behavior, behavioral attributes of deer that you can key on to help you tag out, deer body language, and more.
What’s Inside:
Home ranges and how they change throughout the seasons
Scrapes and rubs and how to use them to your advantage
Key deer behavioral attributes and body language
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Moriah on Instagram
Short Description:
Moriah Boggess is a subject matter expert on deer biology and management. Moriah and I discuss different rut periods, scrapes, and rubs, and how understanding them can up your hunting game. Our conversation also includes how the weather affects deer behavior, behavioral attributes of deer that you can key on to help you tag out, deer body language, and more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, deer behavior, white tail deer, deer hunting, deer biology, deer body language

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Muley Hunting with Richie Wilhelm
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Muley Hunting with Richie Wilhelm
Show Notes:
Richie Wilhelm joins me for a little storytelling session, and I pick his brain on a few things. Richie owns and operates a small residential construction company in the La Crosse area of Wisconsin. He began the business around 15 years ago, and although self-employment comes with challenges, it’s allowed Richie to get the time off he needs around hunting season.
We kick things off by talking about Arizona deer hunting and how the weather impacts herds. Richie had two mule deer tags this year in different states, and he killed two of his top three ever. He had two bad years of chasing whitetails, but his muley chase paid off. We talk about spotting and stalking whitetails and which states are best for sitting in a tree stand.
Richie shares the story of the first muley buck he shot back in September. He had ten days on a solo trip and hunted an area that he had some intel on. He finally got him from around 59 yards away and hit the buck in the shoulder. Unfortunately, Richie lost him, but tried again and headed back out about a month later. After a bunch of trials and tribulations and a storm thrown in, he finally got him and felt like he was on cloud nine.
What’s Inside:
Spotting and stalking vs. tree stands
How Richie got his first buck this year
The mental game of bow hunting
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
Richie Wilhelm joins me for a little storytelling session, and I pick his brain on a few things. Richie had two mule deer tags this year in different states, and he killed two of his top three ever. Here, he shares the story of the first muley buck he shot back in September.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, mule deer hunting, whitetail deer hunting, bow hunting

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
6.5 CM the worst gun ever?
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Crazy Coues Deer Story with Dave Maher
Show Notes:
I just had a crazy experience with a recent client on a Coues deer hunt, and Dave Maher’s here to help me unpack it all. Dave’s been on the show before, and he’s my go-to guy when it comes to gun stuff. My client was physically challenged, and I hunted with him for three days. I found several opportunities, but unfortunately, we couldn’t get to any fast enough.
I also had Ryan with me, and he later found a good buck. Even though my client could shoot and he had a good setup, we were too far away. I decided to try to get as close as I could, but the best I could do was 700 yards. All of a sudden, the buck comes out of a tree, and my client hits the buck’s shoulder. He took a second shot, and the buck shot straight up into the air and dove forward into some trees, but he was still alive!
We moved in a little closer to wait for the buck to do something, and he eventually stood up. My client shot again, but missed. At this point, we don’t have another shot, but the deer got up again. Ryan got his eyes on him, and the buck walked into some trees. From here, we go on a crazy chase to find this deer and he eventually goes down for good. Here, Dave gives his analysis of the hunt and his take on why this buck was so hard to take down.
What’s Inside:
A crazy story from a recent Coues deer hunt.
Dave’s analysis on the hunt.
Gun and bullet tips for deer hunting.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:I just had a crazy experience with a recent client on a Coues deer hunt, and Dave Maher’s here to help me unpack it all. Dave’s been on the show before, and he’s my go-to guy when it comes to gun stuff. I share all the details of the story, and Dave gives his analysis of the hunt.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, Coues deer hunting, gun tips, bullet tips, deer hunting tips

Monday Dec 18, 2023
South Dakota Recap with Dan Graff
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
South Dakota Recap with Dan Graff
Show Notes:
We’re doing a South Dakota recap here with my longtime friend Dan Graff. The hunting game is always evolving, and Dan talks about some of the changes he’s noticed since he was last out. Dan and I chat about being challenged when hunting with folks who put in more effort than you and how it can bring out the best in you and make you better. The people you hunt with always make the experience.
Here, Dan and I break down our trip from start to finish. Our first hunt was on November 5th and I glassed up a buck I called Too Tall. I share the highs and lows of trying to get him and how things ultimately turned out. Dan shares his perspective on how it all went down, and we talk about how things don’t always turn out as planned, even if you have the perfect setup.
Sometimes you see people on social media having successes, but no one ever shows the bad. It’s very easy to look at things like that and think everyone’s doing well. I’ve questioned my own self and have wanted to quit several times.
I’m putting this out there and showing my vulnerability because I want others who feel the same way to know they’re not alone. For me, hunting is part of what I am and when I don’t have success, I view it as a negative reflection of who I am. My point is, don’t allow years of positivity and success to be erased by negativity. Focus on the good.
What’s Inside:
Stories from our South Dakota hunt
How hunting creates great opportunities for self-reflection
Why it’s important to focus on the positive
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Prairie Harvest
Short Description:We’re doing a South Dakota recap here with my longtime friend, Dan Graff. Here, Dan and I break down our trip from start to finish. I share the highs and lows of trying to get him and how things ultimately turned out. Dan shares his perspective on how it all went down, and we talk about how things don’t always turn out as planned, even if you have the perfect setup.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, South Dakota, deer hunting, hunting trip, positivity, perseverance, self-reflection