Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Early Season Whitetail Deer with Art Helin
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Early Season Whitetail Deer with Art Helin
Art Helin Outdoors (@arthelinoutdoors) • Instagram photos and videos

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
The Hunting Public and John Stallone
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Arron and Zach of The Hunting Public invited me on their podcast to discuss how we can all be involved in saving hunting.

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Scoring Coues Deer with Jay Scott
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Scoring Coues Deer with Jay Scott
Show Notes:
Even though I know how to score deer, I don’t feel confident telling people how to score Coues deer. So I brought Jay Scott on for an expert’s opinion on how to score them on the hoof.
For the novice or intermediate hunter, Jay recommends that you get as many antlers or horns in your hands as possible with a measuring tape. A lot of scoring just comes down to experience, so you’ll need to look over a lot of deer before you can get a better understanding of what a deer is on sight.
Measuring mistakes can add up quickly. If you’re a half-inch off on everything, then that’ll distort your final number. For hunters who are used to hunting in the East or the Midwest, scoring the Coues deer will be a different experience. When you break down deer, there are 4 main parts of the scorecard.
Point length
Main beam
For most people, they talk about spread like it’s the most important factor in scoring, but for Coues deer, it is not. You want to be looking for a minimum length of 15-inches on the points and then everything else builds around that.
You can follow Jay on Instagram for some practice seeing pictures and comparing your guess to his. If you’d like one of his charts that will simplify the scoring process, you can email Jay at:
What’s Inside:
The difference between Midwestern and Western point language, and why that matters.
For a buck to be a hundred, your point length category needs to be in the 15-inch range.
When beams wrap around the front, the size is going to naturally increase.
How white antlers are going to distort your perception of size.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on iTunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Jay Scott Outdoors podcast
Jay Scott Outdoors on Instagram
Short Description:
How accurately can you score antlers from a picture? If you’re an expert like Jay Scott, you’ll be able to get within an inch or two of the score. For the rest of us, Jay’s going to walk us through the four main parts of a score, plus some factors that trick hunters into overestimating size.
Coues deer, scoring coues deer, measuring deer antlers, coues deer score card, how big are my deer antlers?, how to measure deer antlers

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Shane Edgar Coues Deer Hunting Throwback Thurs
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Shane Edgar Coues Deer Hunting
Shane and I discuss the different rifle hunts in AZ for coues deer. We give advice on where when and how to find coues deer. We talk about glassing techniques as well as the differences of each hunt and what to expect.

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Mule Deer Hunting Tips and Tactics with Jess Reveal
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Mule Deer Tips with Jess Reveal
Show Notes:
Jess Reveal lives in southern Utah, and she joins me here to chat about mule deer. Jess has been living in Utah for the past 10 years and grew up hunting with her dad out in Missouri. She didn’t find her way into bow hunting until she moved to Utah and met her husband. After he showed her the ropes, she eventually snagged her first muley while she was eight months pregnant with her daughter! Jess continues to dive deeper into archery hunting and is always eager to learn more.
There’s so much more to hunting than just going out and killing an animal. Jess wants to teach that lesson to her daughter, along with the respect that goes along with bow hunting. We talk about growing up hunting in a tree stand and the differences between that and archery. We’re spoiled today with phones and technology, but we’ve also become dependent on them. Jess and I talk about the evolution of hunting tech and how far we’ve come since the old days.
Jess shares her approach to the mule deer season, and we get into the tactics she’s used to get big bucks. Archery season is just a month long in Utah, but it’s a year long process for her. She watches them rut and how they’re acting and migrating, and she does a lot of legwork before the actual hunt. We also get into some elk hunting stories, how Jess finds new areas, and more.
What’s Inside:
Tips for the upcoming mule deer season.
How Jess got into archery after rifle hunting.
How Jess finds new areas.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Jess Reveal on Instagram
Jess Reveal on TikTok
Short Description:Jess Reveal lives in southern Utah, and she joins me here to chat about mule deer and the upcoming season. We talk about growing up hunting in a tree stand and the differences between that and archery, as well as the evolution of hunting tech. We also get into some elk hunting stories, how Jess finds new areas, and more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, mule deer hunting, archery, bow hunting, mule deer season, Utah, elk hunting, shed hunting

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Throwback thurs Early Elk Season with Shannon Mobbs
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Throwback thurs Early Elk Season with Shannon Mobbs
Show Notes:
Shannon Mobbs is a buddy of mine and it’s time to talk about elk season since it’s right around the corner. I’m about to head to New Mexico to hunt antelope and a friend of mine has a cattle ranch and I was able to get a landowner tag. It sounds like it will be promising, but I have no idea what to expect. The tag is good for three days and I can use any weapon. Antelope hunting is a lot of fun and I’m taking a friend who’s a first timer.
Shannon shares what he likes to do to prepare for the upcoming elk season. He picks up his gym time and getting back into it after taking some down time is always difficult. Staying in shape all year round is always ideal and sometimes it helps to switch up your routine. It also helps to keep your equipment and technique dialed in and stay active in whatever season is happening at the time. Buying a new bow and changing up your equipment is all about timing and something that a lot of hunters take into consideration.
We get into scouting and Shannon talks about how he chooses the spots he uses for the season. He uses onX mapping technology to zoom in on travel paths and trails. He uses cameras a little bit but doesn’t depend on them. Elk hunting is far more competitive these days, which isn’t everyone’s thing, but Shannon enjoys it. He has tips for folks heading out in early elk season and the difference in tactics between the early season and later. We talk about the moon phases as well and how it impacts elk in different areas. It’s been a while since I’ve had Shannon on, so he spends some time catching us up on his best hunting stories since our last conversation.
What’s Inside:
What to do leading up to an elk hunt to prepare.
Changes in equipment and how it impacts hunting.
Scouting and how Shannon chooses spots.
Tactics for early elk season vs mid and late elk season.
Moon phases and elk hunting.
Shannon’s latest hunting stories.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:.
It’s almost elk season and Shannon Mobbs has a ton of tips to help you get ready. We chat about what to do to prepare, including ramping up gym time and checking your equipment. Shannon shares what he likes to do for scouting, the differences between early and later elk seasons, moon phases, and more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, antelope, elk season, scouting, shannon mobbs, days in the wild

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Perfecting Your Shooting Game with Anthony Stallone
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Perfecting Your Shooting Game with Anthony Stallone
Show Notes:
Mr. Phoenix Shooting Bags, Anthony Stallone, stops by to share some top tips just in time for rifle season. Whether you’re hunting antelope or elk, making even just a few tweaks to your technique can get you closer to that one shot kill. Many people think they can shoot, but the more you go over the right steps to correct your shot, the better off you’ll be. We kick things off by talking about the most common mistakes Anthony sees and what you should be practicing now up until the hunt.
Anthony shares his tips for the perfect trigger pull and how to fight off target panic. We also talk about why the type of trigger you use matters less than how well you can pull it. Success always comes from mitigating all the factors you can control. We get into why a lighter trigger is better and why it’s worth taking your bullets out of the gun if you’re moving locations. Anthony also suggests getting a bubble level for your rifle.
We talk about how shooting bags and cheek rests make a huge difference in your aim. Finding that sweet spot before you shoot is key, along with regular practice. You also want to figure out your ballistics and which bullets your gun likes, because they’re all different. We wrap up with Anthony’s tips for how to shoot the perfect 1,000-yard shot. If you can master that, everything else is a chip shot.
What’s Inside:
The most common shooting mistakes and how to correct them
Tips to perfect your trigger pull
How to master a 1,000-yard shot
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:Mr. Phoenix Shooting Bags, Anthony Stallone, stops by to share some top tips just in time for rifle season. Whether you’re hunting antelope or elk, making even just a few tweaks to your technique can get you closer to that one shot kill. We cover how to perfect your trigger pull, how shooting bags and a cheek rest make for better aim, and how to master the 1,000-yard shot.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, shooting, shooting mistakes, elk season, antelope season, rifle hunting, bow hunting, shooting bags

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Last Minute Elk Hunting Tips Marc Carlton
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Last Minute Elk Hunting Tips Marc Carlton
Marc is the son of elk calling pioneer Wayne Carlton and is the man behind Native by Carlton calls. We talk about little nuances of elk hunting and some of the details that are the tipping point for success. Elk hunting is a tough endeavor and so much goes into a hunt to find success we discuss a lot of the little details that are perfect for the drive up to elk camp.
Check out Native by Carlton calls use promo code johnstallone20 to save 20%

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Jumping The String With Randy Ulmer Throwback
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Jumping The String With Randy Ulmer Throwback
Show Notes:
Randy Ulmer joins me today to talk about the dreaded “jumping the string.” What does it mean if a deer jumps the string? Something triggers the deer to jump when an arrow is shot; and moves before the arrow can get to it. Today we discover a few theories about just what causes deer to jump the string.
When an arrow is shot, deer can collapse their front legs and drop their chests in preparation to spring, and the arrow ends up missing them. This is a lot easier if their heads are down to start with. An alert deer is much more likely to jump than a non-alert deer, and older age class bucks are much more likely to jump than younger bucks. Older bucks have been pursued more, by other hunters and predators, so they are more sensitive. Young bucks jump as well, just not as often. Interestingly, when targeting a deer in a group, the other, non-targeted deer aren’t as likely to jump as the targeted one.
What causes a buck to jump? There are a couple theories. Some people think it’s the sound of the bow shooting the arrow, and another camp of people think it’s the sound of the actual arrow. Distance might also play a role. The closer you are to the deer, the more likely they are to detect you. The closer the deer, the louder the bow and arrow are, and the more likely the target deer is to jump. The kind of arrows you use makes a big difference as well. Thinner, slower, stiffer arrows make less noise, so deer are less likely to jump.
While frustrating, there are things you can do to cut back on the number of bucks that jump the string. Randy likes to use the same bow for every animal because he has a great feel for it. Put shock absorbing devices on the bow to mute the sound. Use a very small diameter arrow. You can’t avoid the problem completely but you can implement some of these to avoid losing that prize buck.
What’s Inside:
What is the distance sweet spot when it comes to bow hunting?
Which deer are mostly likely to jump?
The importance of researching deer in the area you want to hunt.
Mentioned In This Episode:Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Primos with code: STL02
Short Description:
There is nothing more frustrating than finding a prize buck, loading your bow, taking a shot, and then seeing the deer “jump the string.” Many, many bucks have been lost this way. Today Randy Ulmer and I discuss what causes a deer to jump the string and what can be done to curb it.
String jumping, jumping the string, bow hunting, older age-class bucks, blind, ground blind, Whitetail deer, Mule deer, Coues deer

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Robby Denning Discusses the End of Hunting
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Robby Denning had Myself and Charles Whitwam to discuss Howl for Wildlife and Hunting as we know it.