Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Hunting Coues in AZ with Shane Edgar
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Shane Edgar Coues Deer Hunting
Shane and I discuss the different rifle hunts in AZ for coues deer. We give advice on where when and how to find coues deer. We talk about glassing techniques as well as the differences of each hunt and what to expect.

Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Throwback Thursday Duwane Adams How to Glass
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Throwback Thursday Duwane Adams How to Glass
2006 interview with My good friend Duwane Adams. Duwane and I talk about the fundamentals of being an effective glasser. Duwane is one of my mentors that took me from a mediocre glasser to being very skilled at picking apart the terrain

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Washington Hunting Opportunities Justin Stanley
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Justin Stanley- Washington Hunting Opportunities :
Justin shares with us some of the over the counter hunting opportunities in Washington state and some late rut hunts that are an excellent way to spend winter.
Follow Justin here

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Eddie Willy Coues Deer Hunting Throwback Thurs
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Eddie Willy Coues Deer Hunting Throwback Thurs
Coues deer hunting AZ podcast

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Moose Hunt Recap Moose Hunting in the Lower 48
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Moose Hunt Recap
Show Notes:
Mr. Phoenix Shooting Bags himself and I are recapping moose hunts and sharing lessons learned and everything we did right and wrong so you can use our experience as a guide for your own trips. This was my 16th or 17th year applying for a moose hunt in Montana and I didn’t even realize I drew it. When I got back from a trip to New York, I found out I got my tag and I started to line up plans. I was getting so much gloom and doom about the lack of bulls. Even the outfitters didn’t have any available guides, but I was able to find an outfitter and Alaskan moose guide through my network and decided to make the best of it. Lo and behold, we found some cows almost right away, and what happens next is a story you don’t want to miss.
Unfortunately, the meat from my hunt was spoiled and I share what happened, a tragic thing all around. Anthony then shares a story of his own about going out with a guy who wouldn’t take a shot unless he was 25 yards away, meanwhile, a whole bunch of bulls went by at about 40 yards. Then the next day, they split up and Anthony experienced a cow running at him straight on with a calf, and it caught him off guard because it happened so fast. But then, the rest of the herd showed up to follow them. He talks about the quick decisions he had to make and some of the lessons he took away. It was an unreal hunt with some real giants, and he’s got the video to prove it.
What’s Inside:
Moose hunting stories from Montana.
A tragic story about what happened to the meat from my hunt.
Anthony's hunting story and the judgment calls he had to make.
A horrifying hornet story.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
We’re recapping moose hunts and sharing lessons learned and everything we did right and wrong so you can use our experience as a guide for your own trips. I give all the details on my moose hunting trip to Montana and a tragic story about what happened to the meat. Anthony shares some stories of his own about hunting cows and bulls and a horrifying run-in with some hornets.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, moose hunting, Montana, bulls

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
AZ deer hunting with Dan and Dave Acosta throwback Thursday
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
AZ deer hunting with Dan and Dave Acosta throwback Thursday

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Elk Hunt Recap with Jermaine Hodge
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Elk Hunt Recap with Jermaine Hodge
Show Notes:
Jermaine and I pick apart things that went right and wrong in a recent elk hunt. Hindsight’s always 20/20 and it’s always good to look back and learn. Jermaine was on the hunt a couple of weeks before me, and the season started off really well. Although it was slower than last year, bulls were still responding. Everybody knows the rut kicks off in the beginning of September, and some cows come into heat later in the season. The majority of the cows Jermaine saw came into heat pretty early. He passed up quite a few bulls in the beginning because he was looking for a specific age class, but there were plenty for other hunters.
His buddy Nathan joined him for a portion of the hunt, too. They had some encounters, but a lot of the elk were call-shy or coming in silent. They spent the mornings bugling and averaged 11-mile days. Almost every last setup that they did was cold calling, and they really had to pay attention. Jermaine says 99% of the calls that came in were younger elk with some cows called in. They called in one bull that was a shooter, who also came in silent. When I got in, I joined Jermaine and we didn’t get anything until we put some distance in and heard some cows. We dropped off a ridge and into a meadow where we thought the cows were coming from, but we almost gave up. But when we started walking out, I saw a bull coming down the pasture.
I decided to give Nate the bull, and we did a two-shooter setup. Unfortunately, when Nate got down to the edge, he was afraid to break through some brush and walked back up and he missed his time to move. We recap other stories from the rest of the hunt and talk about some common mistakes when people call elks and understand the different sounds. Jermaine and I chat about how we would have positioned ourselves differently in some scenarios. We also talked about timing and what we would have done instead to get better shots.
What’s Inside:
Hunting stories from a recent elk trip with Jermaine.
Lessons learned and what went wrong.
Lessons on positioning and calling and what we would do differently.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
Jermaine and I pick apart things that went right and wrong in a recent elk hunt. Hindsight’s always 20/20 and it’s always good to look back and learn. We recap other stories from the rest of the hunt and talk about the mistakes we made. We also talked about positioning, timing, what we would have done instead to get better shots.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, bugle, bugling, bulls, cows, calls

Monday Oct 17, 2022
The Importance of Fish and Pond Health with Shan O’Gorman
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
The Importance of Fish and Pond Health with Shan O’Gorman
Show Notes:
Shan O’Gorman is a fisheries biologist and we’re going to pick his brain a little bit and talk about bass and other types of fish. We’ll also talk about some misinformation that might be out there. I own a swimming pool business that’s similar to Shan’s pond management business and we chat about the similarities. When Shan got started, he was working with community pools and then was able to transition into a paid pond job before he went to college. He then transitioned into his own business and was eventually bought out after running it for 20 years.
Shan now has a successful online presence and feels like he’s really helping fisheries. It’s a pet peeve of his that fish health isn’t something most people understand. He helps people determine whether or not to keep bass based on measurements and other factors and good catch and release practices. There’s ways to tell whether or not you should harvest bass and when are the best times, and these are big issues when it comes to pond management. Shan’s pond principles also translate to larger bodies of water, like lakes and reservoirs.
Shan paints a great picture of what a healthy pond ecosystem looks like and the indicators you should be looking for. We talk about bass weights and ages and what matters more. We also talk about electric fishing and how Shan uses it to sample fish in a relatively unbiased way. Shan shares signs of bass stress, as well as some of the most common misconceptions people have around pond and fish health. Most of the public is really misinformed around these important issues, so it’s great that Shan is out here providing consulting and info through his channels.
What’s Inside:
How Shan got started in pond management and built his career.
The importance of knowing about fish health.
Indicators people should be looking for in a healthy pond ecosystem.
Healthy bass measurements and how scientists obtain good data.
Common misconceptions people have about lakes and ponds.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Aquatic Biologist YouTube
Aquatic Biologist Facebook
Aquatic Biologist Instagram
Shan O’Gorman Patreon
Short Description:.
Shan O’Gorman is an expert in fishery biology and is dedicated to clearing up public misconceptions about pond and fish health. It’s important to know the signs of a healthy pond or lake ecosystem when you’re out fishing, and Shan goes through all the details. He also talks about what to look for in terms of fish measurements to determine a healthy harvest.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, big buck hunting, hunting stories, bass fishing, fishing stories, fisheries, pond management

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Corner Crossing with Zach Sandau
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Corner Crossing with Zach Sandau
Show Notes:
A hot topic I’ve heard about over the last several years, at least since the invention of GPS software, is corner crossing. Zach Sandau knows a ton about this subject. I’ve been seeing a lot more about this recently, but it’s been around forever. Since we’ve developed better mapping software, we’ve gotten much better, and it’s replaced a lot of the paper maps people used to use. In the last 10 to 12 years, people started realized there’s a lot of land that has a corner that’s getting in the way of crossing.
Zach currently lives in Montana and has been working for onX for over 7 years. onX is a mobile hunting map app that tracks over 850 million acres of public land and over 100 million private properties. One of the current issues was around some guys who went hunting in Wyoming and they were stopped twice and were told they were OK by local authorities, but the third time they were stopped, they were charged with trespassing. It became a big national case because of the implications. The case wound up going to court and the guys were charged and found not guilty.
The thing that’s the most interesting is that each state has different rules and regulations when it comes to corner crossing, which adds to the complexity of the issue. This creates a gray area and causes some hunters to avoid the situation altogether. onX actually helped me figure out a land situation in Wyoming as well. This new technology both helps hunters and opens a Pandora’s box, as we now have more information than ever before. Zach shares insights from his work with onX and how they develop their technology. He also has some tips about how to deal with the checkerboard areas and how to navigate them and the nuances of access between public and private land. We wrap up by talking about the importance of activism as the hunting world evolves and changes.
What’s Inside:
Why corner crossing has become more prevalent over the last several years.
How onX helps hunters see corners and access more clearly.
A recent corner crossing issue in Wyoming.
Checkerboard areas and how to deal with them.
Why technology like onX opens a Pandora’s box when it comes to corner crossing.
Frustrations around closed gates and how onX is finding a workaround.
The importance of being a hunting activist.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:.
One issue that has been coming up recently is corner crossing. Zach Sandau works for onX, a digital mapping app for hunters. We talk about the onX technology and why it opens a Pandora’s box when it comes to hunting. We also cover navigating checkerboard areas, closed gates, and why it’s more important than ever to step up your activism.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, corner crossing, onX, mapping, activism

Monday Oct 03, 2022
AZ deer hunting with Ryan Haines
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Deer Hunting Stories with Ryan Haines
Show Notes:
I love it when I get to hear exciting hunting stories and pick up some helpful tips along the way. Ryan Haines shares some of his top hunting stories that really put you on the edge of your seat. Ryan is based out of southeastern Oklahoma and is a white-tail guy at heart. He grew up on archery only, as his county only allowed bow hunting. To this day, he’s never taken an animal with a rifle, and that’s one of his future goals. He also took up photography and videography over the last couple of years.
One of the hunting stories that sticks with Ryan the most is from a couple of years ago while he was out in Arizona. When he arrived, it was covered in deer, including some great shooter bucks. He spent the first several days glassing, and then he and his buddies split up. On the last day, Ryan decided to push further in the dark and when the sun started to come up, the deer were 250 yards away, much closer than they had been. Eventually, a buck stopped at 50 yards, but Ryan missed him. It was one of those moments where you had a great opportunity but walk away with disappointment.
Just as he sat down to eat some breakfast, he pulled out his rattling bag one last time, and he wound up hitting another sequence. This brought a buck much larger than the one he had just missed. The buck started charging at him, Ryan grabbed his bow and shot him from about 10 yards away!
From this story and the others he shared in this episode, you would know that anything can happen when you’re hunting. You can walk away with a great prize or with great disappointment for missing your target. Either way, there are always valuable lessons you can pick up for your next hunting trip.
What’s Inside:
How Ryan got into hunting.
An Arizona buck hunting story.
Hunting whitetails in Kansas.
Tree stand hunting vs. walking the mountains.
Buck hunting in Texas.
Doubt that comes up when you miss or wound an animal.
Ryan’s upcoming hunting plans.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:.
Ryan Haines grew up bow hunting deer in southeastern Oklahoma, close to the Texas border. He shares some great deer hunting stories from different states and the lessons he’s learned along the way. We also chat about how doubt can come in when you miss or wound an animal and why confidence is everything in hunting.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, deer hunting, archery, bow hunting, white tail hunting