Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Throwback Thursday Muley Slayer Marc Smith
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Talking Mule Deer Hunting Tactics with Muley Slayer Marc Smith
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Monday Feb 21, 2022
Season Recap with Jake Downs
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Season Recap with Jake Downs
Show Notes:
Jake Downs and I took some time to recap our hunting seasons. As an experienced bowhunter, Jake’s gone after a ton of different species all over the country, so it was great to hear his stories. We spent this episode swapping stories and tips after this past season. It’s tough to balance family and hunting trips – sometimes you just have to pick and choose what hunts you go for.
Jake had a whirlwind of a season. He talked about his trip up to Alaska, where he had a bit of a mixed bag of a hunt. The weather didn’t cooperate, and it was tough to find any decent animals to take. When you book a big trip, you’re always leaving something up to chance. At the end of the day, though, any trip up to Alaska is gonna be a great camping trip, if nothing else.
We talked a bit about hunting during the rut and during lockdowns. That can be a tricky time to hunt, even though the bucks are out there. I’ve seen some trouble during the rut in Illinois, and I’ve seen a few lulls in other places.
Jake shared a few stories about whitetail hunting, too. We told some stories about our seasons, and Jake shared a great one about a trip to Arizona. We went on to talk all things javelina, and we agreed – they’re a whole lot of fun to hunt. Jake and I ended on how to balance hunting and family – it’s a tricky thing, but an important conversation.
Whats’ Inside:
- Jake’s hunting season recap.
- We discuss whether moose hunting is worth the trouble.
- Weather can make (or break) a hunt, and that’s just up to chance.
- It’s tough to balance family life and hunting trips.
- We swapped stories about javelina hunting.
Mentioned in this episode:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:Jake Downs is an experienced bowhunter, and he spent this season traveling all over the country. He shared some stories from this season, from his Alaska trip to a hunt in Arizona. Jake had pretty mixed results this season – he hit some bad weather in Alaska, but did pretty well on other hunts.
Tags:Hunting season, javelina, alaska hunting, moose hunting, whitetail hunting, big game hunting, days in the wild, hunting season, bowhunting

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Paul Medel Live 2017 Throwback Thursday
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Paul Medel and John Stallone Discuss elk Language
We talk elk language
When and where to use different calls
Reading emotion
Check out Paul's Website
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Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Sneek Tec Sneak Boot Hunt Smarter and be deadly quite! on iTunes, Podbean,
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Monday Feb 14, 2022
Patrick Montgomery
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Patrick Montgomery
Show Notes:
Patrick Montgomery and I sat down to swap big game stories. Patrick’s an experienced big game hunter, and he started us off with a story from his early days living in Colorado. He talks about a once-in-a-lifetime buck he spotted. Patrick thought he had a good chance at the buck, but things don’t always turn out how you want. That’s hunting.
“Do not put any pressure on the deer. They don’t need to know you’re there.” We also talked about watching deer. Patrick shared some great tips on spotting and glassing. Some people can get a little careless, so it was great to hear some detail-focused tips on scouting. Patrick knows his stuff, and he gave us plenty of great advice on spotting bucks without scaring them off.
Patrick tells another story about a buck he scouted over a three-year period. When it came time to hunt, Patrick spotted the buck for three days straight. From there, we talked about the importance of patience when scouting. We agree – “Patience pays off more often than it doesn’t.”
Before we finished up, Patrick and I shared some stories about spotting bucks and getting in our own heads. Hunting is a mental game as much as anything, so it’s easy to get carried away out there.
Whats’ Inside:
- Stories about bucks that got away.
- How to effectively spot big bucks – what to look for, and what to do.
- Great insight from Patrick about taking your time when spotting.
- The importance of patience when you’re hunting.
Mentioned in this episode:
Phoenix Shooting Bags
PMonte OutdoorsPatrick Montgomery on InstagramHowl For Wildlife
Short Description:Patrick Montgomery is a Colorado-based big game hunter. We talked about spotting big bucks, and he gave some great insight on what to look for when scouting. Patrick knows his stuff, so there’s plenty of great info in here. We swapped stories about scouting, before finishing up with the importance of patience in the field.

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Hunters need to be Activists to Save Hunting Bonus episode
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
This is a bonus episode My good friend Sam Ayers from The Wild Initiative Podcast had me on his show to talk conservation in 2022 and what that looks like. We talk about the AZ bear and lion Ban petition, and we talk about what hunters need to start doing if we want to save hunting

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Robby Denning
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Big Game and Big Misses with Robby Denning
Show Notes:
I sit down with Robby Denning to talk the ups and downs of big game hunting. After a crazy year (in the field and out of it), we swap stories about big misses — and what we can learn from them.
Robby tells a great story about glassing some good-sized bucks in the cold on a recent trip. After seeing some very promising bucks, Robby was feeling optimistic about his chances. He saw some good sized antlers. After his shot, the bucks ultimately got away, but we’ve all been there. That story just goes to show, you never know what’s gonna happen in the field. Just because you glass the buck of your life, doesn’t mean you’re gonna get him.
We talked a bit about using the right tools for the trade, from what size bullet to picking our favorite rifles. I’ve got another story for Robby, about chasing a big buck on a rough trip of my own. That was a tough trip for a lot of reasons, not just missing that buck. Even in the best positions, with the perfect gear and the perfect buck — it doesn’t always happen.
The truth is, we can’t always win out there. A lot can go wrong when you’re on the hunt, but that’s just part of the deal. Sometimes, you just don’t get the buck you want. That doesn’t mean the day is a waste. Any time we can get out there and get after it is a pretty good time.
What’s Inside:
How Robby glasses for the perfect buck.
Lessons we learned from spot-and-stalk positions and missing the bucks we glassed.
Robby and I share our choice of hunting tools.
You can’t predict everything in hunting - you don’t always win.
Mentioned in this episode:
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Lacuesa Discount with code: johnstallone
Short Description:
Hunting isn’t always predictable. When you make the trip out there, you never know what you’re gonna get. That means sometimes, you don’t get the buck you want. But, you’ll usually walk away with a good story or two. I swapped stories with Robby Denning about big bucks, and big misses.
Big game hunting, deer hunting, hunting season stories, glassing, big bucks, missing bucks, lessons learned, hunting tools, days in the wild

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Conservation in 2022 and How we Save it- Bonus episode
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Elk Hunting and the Elk Draw with Steve Chappell
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Elk Hunting and the Elk Draw with Steve Chappell
Show Notes:
I sat down with Steve Chappell to talk all things elk hunting. Steve’s a veteran elk hunter in Arizona, and he’s got a whole lot of great info to share. The elk draw is coming up, so we basically hit everything we could about elk hunting.
Steve has some thoughts on the elk herd in Arizona – after a concerning 2020, the elk seemed to make a good comeback in 2021. The herd is now healthy, thanks to a mild winter and the species’ resilience. Steve explains why he thinks the herd should be just fine into early 2022. We also talk about the weight of antlers, and what the animals need to grow them. As far as antler growth goes for 2022, we’re both feeling pretty good. Arizona produces good elk, and we should see more of that this year.
We also talk elk units. Everyone has their own experiences with each unit, but Steve highlights some of his top-tier performing units. There’s a lot of great hunting throughout the state, but not all units offer the same quality of elk. Steve provided some great info on which units are best for a few different types of hunters.
“So many people misunderstand the draw and how it works.” As elk season approaches, Steve has some great insight into how the elk draw works and how you should approach the draw. We went back and forth about the draw, and some common mistakes people make this time of year. Novice and experienced hunters will both benefit from hearing this info.
What’s Inside:
Elk herds are looking good this year, and we explain why.
Elk units aren’t created equal. We talk about some of our favorites, and least favorites.
Different units are better for certain types of hunters.
Hunters should approach the elk draw with strategy in mind.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife
Lacuesa Discount with code: johnstallone
Phoenix Shooting Bags
Short Description:Steve Chappell and I talked all things elk in Arizona. There’s a lot to talk about, with Arizona’s great elk hunting, and we hit just about everything. From the current elk population, to our favorite (and least favorite) units, before ending on some new changes to the Arizona elk draw.
Tags:Elk hunting, hunting draws, elk draw, arizona, arizona hunting, elk hunting in arizona, big game hunting, days in the wild, elk season, Arizona elk draw

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
AZ Lion, Bear and Bobcat Ban
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Those that would like to see all hunting go away are making another play to push their agenda under the radar by having their followers send comments opposing the legal hunting of Mt Lions, Bears and Bobcats effectively laying the foundation during the open comment period for AZGFD rulemaking to get these hunts banned. If gone unchecked they will succeed in not only getting these hunts removed but: 1) Destroying the ungulate population in AZ 2) Setting precedence to have it banned in other states 3) Removing an important source of revenue for wildlife management. Please don’t allow these organizations to ruin the deer and elk herd and don’t let your fellow hunter stand alone to fight for what they love. Take action and HOWL for wildlife
Please visit HOWL To Take a stand

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Bowhunting Around the Country with Bill Vanderheyden aka Ironwill Bill
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Bowhunting Around the Country with Bill Vanderheyden
Show Notes:
Bill Vanderheyden from Iron Will joins me today. He’s the owner, founder, and lead engineer for Iron Will Broadheads. Bill’s been bow hunting for 50 years, a mechanical engineer for 30, and designing broadheads for 17. Bow hunting is his passion – he goes out and tests his products and is always asking how he can apply science to make the best models. His new single bevel is something I’ve been using, and it’s been great.
Bill’s had some good hunts this year and went to Hawaii in June. A friend took him out on the Big Island, to hunt some sheep in the mountains. The terrain was mostly lava rocks and thick trees which made things tough, but he wound up getting a good shot on a ram. He also hunted areas off the coast in some hills where he spotted more rams, goats, and pigs. The older sheep were pretty wise and were onto him, but he shot a big wild hog in that spot.
In mid-August, Bill went Caribou hunting in Alaska, going after northwest Arctic herd. They flew out 160 miles from the nearest village, where the true wilderness is. Last year, him and his crew got their bulls early and were pulled out. This year, he took his time so he could spend the whole ten days. Bill also drew a tag in Wyoming. When he went, conditions weren’t great, it was crazy warm. On his seventh day out, he found out where a bunch of elk were and got right in on first light. He wasn’t confident and the herd split, but then he worked his way back around them. He waited until the thermals were right and then a bull walked out about 30 yards in front, and he smoked it. Bill used a broadhead and got a double lung hit in the mid-body.
In North Texas, Bill’s friend has a ranch, and he spent some time elk hunting there. He also shot an 8-point in Indiana in November with his 4 brothers, sister-in-law, and son. They put down 5 bucks in 4 days! He also hunted in his hometown in Wisconsin and shot a nice heavy buck with good antler mass. Finally, he came back to Colorado for a mule deer tag.It’s possible to have great success with bow hunting, but no matter how many times you do it, you never feel like an expert. Sometimes it feels impossible and other times it seems easy. You always get a reality check when you expect to fill all your tags and wind up getting humbled. Make sure to check out Bill’s products on his website below.
What’s Inside:
My experience using Bill’s new single bevel.
Hunting stories from Bill’s trips to Hawaii and Alaska.
Bill’s elk hunt in Wyoming.
Bill’s trips shooting deer in North Texas, Indiana, and Colorado.
How Bill tested some of his products on wild hogs.
Mentioned in this episode:
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Days In The Wild
JohnStallone.meIron Will Outfitters
Short Description:.
Bill “Iron Will” Vanderheyden is the founder of Iron Will Broadheads. He makes a great single bevel that I’ve been using. He’s got a ton of stories from hunts this year from Alaska to Hawaii and everywhere in between. He’s had some solid opportunities to test and develop his products and got some decent shots along the way.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, big buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, archery hunting, broadheads, sheep hunting, single bevel