Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Jason Seegmiller Mule deer and Elk Stories 10.46
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Jason Seegmiller Mule deer and Elk Stories 10.46
Jason is a big muley buck aficionado spending many days afield photographing and hunting giant bucks. Check out some of his photos on IG @outdoorseeg
Jason Shares with us some memorable hunts and the experiences he took away from them.

Monday Sep 30, 2019
David Barnett Late Season Elk Tactics 10.45
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
David Barnett Late Season Elk Tactics 10.45
David Barnett Instagram
I’ll be the first to admit that elk hunting is tough. It’s not always the glam show that is portrayed on social media and there are many hours during a hunt spent wondering just what in the hell you have gotten yourself into. Still, the possibility of success at the end of a very rough road is enough to keep bringing those that are elk obsessed back into the woods every year. Out of all of the different elk hunting endeavors available, one of the hardest has to be hunting late-season migratory elk.
During the late season, elk are on a full-on food chompin’ mission. After a long and exhausting rut, the bulls are looking to pack on precious fat as they prepare for the approaching winter. Along with this, bulls will actively seek out the most rugged and reclusive country they can find and dig in for the winter. I’ve spoken to biologists in western Montana who have observed mature bulls via satellite collars that stay within a 300 yard radius for an entire winter. With thousands of public land acres, this is the equivalent of finding a needle in a stack of needles.
Locating late season bulls can definitely test the mettle of any hunter, but success is attainable to those willing to work. Those simply looking for a legal bull will find easier success than those looking for a mature bull, as with most other seasons, but experiencing the hunt for a mature animal is an incredible experience in these harsh conditions. Whether you still have a late season tag in your pocket or are planning for 2019, these strategies will help you find success in hidden pockets when the temperatures drop. Note: A lot of these strategies can be modified for late season cow elk hunts too.
Staying committed
Above all else, the biggest piece of advice to be given for late season bulls would be to stay committed to your success. These hunts are not easy and having a strong mental game will be key. We all know the local guys who have bumped into their bull of a lifetime, but the simple fact is that the key to consistently punching tags on mature bulls requires a good familiarity with being cold, miserable, and lonely. On a recent hunt, we averaged ten miles per day of hiking with an additional three to five hours of glassing on top of that and it still took five days to find success. The simple fact here is to stay steadfast to your goals and embrace the process. The hours of hard work and sweat only make the story that much sweeter.
Colder weather, heavy gear
Typical late season elk hunting scene. Photo credit: Dave Barnett
Along with mental and physical struggles, hunters will also be faced with cold, wet and, at times, straight up brutal weather conditions and having the correct gear with you can drastically reduce the time you spend wishing you were home. First and foremost, clothing selection will be number one. The biggest struggle I’ve faced in this category was finding the happy medium between staying warm and not packing ten extra pounds of clothing. Late season clothing selection can be a daunting task but really is pretty straightforward.
A Seek Outside titanium stove is a gamechanger on late season hunts. Photo credit: Brady Miller
When backpack hunting, you will also be forced to fend off the frigid temps with the added weight of heavier sleeping bags or even ultralight backpacking stoves. Warm food or drinks aren’t a necessity, but a small pack stove provides a serious morale boost that easily negates the weight penalty. Be flexible in your approach to your pack and don't be afraid to try new things. Everybody's needs are slightly different and we all want or need something different.
The location
All other photo credits: Dave Barnett
This whole thing is going to boil down to location and finding the right area for late season bulls is usually characterized by long hikes and sore legs. Every elk is different and will “winter” different, meaning that while you might find pockets of bachelor bulls in areas, there are also bulls out there who would just assume go it alone and live like a hermit. Really, elk can winter in a number of areas throughout a unit and hunters need to be willing to stay flexible and mobile. After being pressured for the past few months, many of the mature bulls are going to retreat into some dark hole in a place that is no fun to hike into. Bulls at that time of the year are interested in three primary things: cover, water, and food—all of which must be in very close reciprocity.
I will generally look for north facing slopes with rough access in the form of steep ridgelines, rock fields, blowdown, and so on. These are the types of areas that will make a bull feel secure while consequently keeping most other hunters out. These areas can be close to roads or deep in the backcountry; the primary factors are finding the right ingredients for a good hidey hole more so than distance from the road.
Snow levels in the high country will really dictate where most bulls are found. Usually, the areas plus or minus 500’ vertical from snow line can be safe bets to start with, but don't be surprised to see bulls in snow deep enough that their chest is dragging or down in the low country living it up with the cows. Sometimes, if the country is open enough, it's possible to glass into drainages from a distance, but, generally, the best way to establish a good starting point is to hike into the high country while making notes of elevation bands where sign is found.
Escaping crowds can be difficult at this time of the year, but savvy hunters should be able to find mostly unpressured elk with a little bit of effort. I like to look into weird or out of the way areas that may often get overlooked due to closeness to roads, the difficulty of access, or simply that the country is ugly. Steep climbs, river crossings or unpleasant conditions can all make for hidden gem areas. In some areas, livestock use may be much higher and simply avoiding areas accessible by horse trails can make all the difference in the world. I always go back to the old adage of “elk are where ya find ‘em.” We all want to kill the bull on the gorgeous high mountain face, but, sometimes, it has to be in the downfall invested creek bottom full of devil’s clubs and grizzly tracks. We are the unfortunate servants to the elk in this game and adapting to the knowledge gained each day can put you into elk faster.
At the end of the day, the main things I'm looking for are:
Tough access points.
No roads, trails, etc.
Dark timber on north facing slopes.
Small pocket meadows or open ridgelines.
Nearby water source; running water generally stays open longer.
Generally thicker and nastier terrain (blowdowns, steep, rocky, etc.).
Among all things, your optics will likely be one of the most important gear choices for the hunt. Finding key glassing points can turn six hours of physical hell into thirty minutes of a relaxing glassing session. Even in the late season, mature bulls will tend to bed early in the morning and not move very much until the last hour or so of daylight. Reaching glassing points before daylight as well as staying at them until last light can make a huge difference.
As grazers, elk cling to a mostly grass diet for as long as possible before moving to browse foods. Pocket meadows and windswept ridgelines and faces can be excellent places to begin glassing during the first and last hour of daylight. Pay close attention to treelines as mature bulls tend to hang close to cover. Sometimes bulls can be found in meadows the size of your garage so being meticulous, even in the timber, will be important. Binoculars mounted on a tripod can make a world of difference over glassing off your knees when picking apart timber. Watching over large and prominent saddles can also be good places to catch elk as they transition between bedding and feeding areas. Sometimes bulls may not present themselves during daylight for a number of reasons and hunters will need to shift tactics accordingly. Often this is going to mean gaining a bunch of elevation and glassing down into north-facing slopes.
Depending on the vegetation cover in your area you will more than likely be spending a large portion of your day living behind your spotting scope or binoculars. Having good glass will not only help you spot more game in deep shadows and behind cover, but also save you from some nasty headaches due to eye strain. Some types of country may even require higher power binoculars. The main thing to keep in mind is that being patient and glassing over an area will usually yield far more animal sightings than wandering blindly through the same area.
In areas where elk herds migrate heavily, there’s a lot of merits to simply sitting on glassing knobs and watching prominent ridgelines and saddles all day. The days following a good snow storm can be excellent for this.
Staying mobile
With conditions constantly changing during the late season, a big factor to keep in mind is that the elk could be continually moving and it will be important to follow suit. If I have good snow and put in a solid day of covering and or glassing a bunch of country and come up with little or no sign I will move on. If these areas looked promising even with the lack of sign I may return in the following days so I still like to keep these marked in my GPS. Before leaving on your hunt try to have three to four solid hunting spots laid out in case Plan A doesn’t work out.
Getting sneaky
When conditions are just not conducive to glassing or bulls are staying treed up, a very effective, but more intense option, is still hunting through dark timber patches. This usually entails locating tracks or seeing elk from a distance in a given area and then slowly trailing the animals. Hunters will need to continually monitor the wind and move very slowly, glassing every few steps or so. This can be an awesome way to hunt with fresh snow and is actually very fun. When conditions are just right, it is surprisingly easy to sneak up on elk, even when bedded.
Enjoying the hunt
This will be one of the hardest hunts out there to stay motivated. Some days, you might find ten bulls and other times you may not see an elk in ten days. Keeping your head in the game can be very difficult. A good hunting partner is invaluable for these types of hunts, but even small creature comforts can really help. Pack foods you like, take warm clothes and build fires during the slow times of the day. I've recently begun investing more of my time in photography and have found this as a fun way to take a 20 minute break from staring at the world at 10X.
It’s always easier said than done, but, really, this hunt is all about slowing down and embracing the suck. This hunt will test you to the core, but the reward will be something like no other.

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Question and Answer Deer Hunting Arizona 10.44
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Question and Answer Deer Hunting Arizona 10.44
Shane Edgar and I take the time to answer all the common questions we have about hunting in Arizona. We touch on spot and stalk tactics, how to choose a unit, how to find deer, what gear to use, wind / thermals and how to improve your overall success.
How to find deer in your scope
Preseaon Hunt prep
Understanding Wind and Weather
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
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Monday Sep 16, 2019
Ron Nixon Strip Buck and Nevada Recap 10.43
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Ron Nixon Strip Buck and Nevada Recap 10.43
Ron and I talk about his AZ strip mule deer hunt and the 197" buck he was able to take on this hunt. We also talk about my hunt in NV. and the roller-coaster of a hunt I had.
If You are looking for a good hunt check out Days in The Wild Outfitters and join me and my crew on a guided hunt this season.

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Lions, Foxes, and Coyotes Oh MY! Predator hunting tactics 10.42
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Predator hunting tactics with Shane Edgar 10.42
Shane and I talk about the nuances of predator hunting that bring it all together. We touch on:
*Sound selection for different predators
* Cadence and volume of your call
* How to choose and area to hunt predators
* Weapon selection best calibers and weapons for predator hunting
* Bowhunting coyotes
* Wind and terrain
How to Bow Hunt for predators: Podcast episode 9.40
Check out A few of my articles on how to bow hunt predators
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
Help keep this podcast free and give us review on Itunes and leave us a comment to let us know how we are doing !

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
NSSF and Hunter Recruitment with Jim Curcuruto 10.41
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
NSSF and Hunter Recruitment with Jim Curcuruto 10.41
What we should be doing to ensure hunting In the future
Find out more about NSSF here
Find out about R3 efforts here

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Oregon Rosies with Shannon Mobbs and Cory Ford10.40
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Oregon Rosies with Shannon Mobbs and Cory Ford10.40
Check out Angry Spike Productions on youtube
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
Help keep this podcast free and give us review on Itunes and leave us a comment to let us know how we are doing !

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Cody Rich Elk Hunting and the commonality of what links all calling 10.39
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Cody Rich and John Stallone Elk Hunting and the commonality of what links all calling 10.39
Cody and I talk about the commonality of what links all calling and how calling coyotes and turkey can improve you elk hunting game. We share some stories and talk about what it takes to have consistent success. Check out Cody's podcast The Rich Outdoors
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
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Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Mark Livesay Elk Rut, Moon and Equinox 10.38
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Mark Livesay Elk Rut, Moon and Equinox 10.38
How to combine the equinox with the moon phases?
How does this combination apply to our hunt planning? Unlike some, I don’t believe the moon phase changes the actual dates of the elk rut. I’m convinced that when cows come into estrus, it is game on—no matter what the moon is doing. The equinox is the key factor in determining the estrus cycle. The moon has little, if anything, to do with it.
However, as a hunter, I don’t think you should just ignore the moon phase. It may not change the estrus cycle, but it can dramatically affect your hunting success and especially your tactics.
Side note: Moon phase calendars are provided to INSIDER members inside every Unit Profile. You can start to access this data by using Filtering 2.0.
Remember the full moon will happen on Sept. 14 and the equinox is on Sept. 23. Hunting elk during a full moon can be particularly challenging. Even so, I believe you must balance those special days running up to the equinox with the corresponding moon phases. A slight adjustment of only a few days could make a huge difference in your encounters and opportunities for a shot.
The more full moon, the more likely the bulls may be active and rutting at night. This does not mean they can’t and won’t be active during the daylight hours. A lot can depend on rut timing, the number of cows in estrus, hunting pressure and weather, but you may need to adjust your tactics and timing.
I’ve found that during a full moon, the hunting can be quite good during the mid-day. During the full moon time, the bulls have been in their beds since early that morning and seem to get restless about mid-day. Many times they will sound off or even respond to a bugle in the middle of the day. Many hunters miss those opportunities because they do not adjust to the elk’s patterns and are, consequently, not in a position to experience it.
Very early mornings during a full moon can also be gold. Get out very early, in the dark and use location bugles to locate elk in those dark hours. Once you locate them, place yourself in very close proximity. You may not have much time before they head for bedding areas, so you must get in position early and be ready.
Another moon pattern I have noticed is that elk tend to be more active during daylight hours on the days leading up to a full moon as compared to the days following the full moon. It seems once they get used to running at night during the full moon period, it takes them a bit to get out of that pattern. Before the full moon, they are still used to moving during the day.
Elk hunting is never a sure thing no matter what you do. You just can’t predict when success is going to happen. But one thing I do know is that you can stack the odds in your favor.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
John Stallone Preseason Preparation 10.37
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
John Stallone Preseason Preparation 10.37
For Elk
For Elk
For Deer
For Deer
run shoots
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
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