Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Solo Elk Hunting w/ Rockie Jacobsen - Throwback Thurs
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Little throwback for you guys still grinding it out for Elk this season

Monday Sep 26, 2022
A Chat with a Bow Hunting Legend with M. R. James
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
A Chat with a Bow Hunting Legend with M. R. James
Show Notes:
The best way to describe M. R. James is that he’s a legend. He’s an Archery Hall of Famer. He started writing and selling fiction stories, mostly westerns and murder mysteries to the pulp fiction market back in the 60s and 70s. M. R. started Bow Hunter magazine in 1971 and was hunting in Indiana back then. Hunting wasn’t that great back then, even though it’s prime white tail country now. M. R. was born in Illinois and then later moved to Indiana to raise his family. He then moved to Montana for a while but moved back to Indiana to be closer to his grandkids.
R. will be 82 in December and he’s still bowhunting on his farm. He’s still going strong and says he can’t wait to see what he can do when he’s 90. I always wonder how much longer I can do this myself, but M. R. is an inspiration. He shares how he got inducted into the Archery Hall of Fame in 2003 and how someone gets into it. You’ll need to go through a submission process, which you can do on the Archery Hall of Fame website, and then it’s up to the nominees to get support and then it goes to the board of directors. M. R. has served on the board in the past and is now known as President Emeritus.
M.R.’s got some great hunting stories, including the first deer he shot in Indiana. M. R. also shares his most unforgettable hunt, a story he’s often asked to share when he does talks around the country. It was a Northwest Territories caribou hunt in 1993, and he had to carry his kill across the tundra which involved a serious emergency. M.R. was elk hunting with friends when 9/11 happened, and he didn’t get news until several days afterward. He was later contacted by someone who was deeply affected and wanted to take up bow hunting. What happened afterward is a truly great story that led to the development of an Oliver Stone movie.
What’s Inside:
All about M. R.’s career, including how he started Bow Hunter magazine.
How someone can get into the archery hall of fame.
What happened when M.R. shot his first deer in Indiana.
M. R.’s most unforgettable hunt shooting caribou.
A story about elk hunting and 9/11.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Archery Hall of Fame
Short Description:.
R. James is a bow hunting legend and an Archery Hall of Famer. He’ll be 82 this year, is still hunting and says he can’t wait to see what he can do when he’s 90. M.R. has some great hunting stories about his first deer, caribou hunting in the tundra, and a heartwarming story that involves bow hunting and 9/11.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, archery, bow hunting, Archery Hall of Fame, caribou,

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Unconventional Elk Tactics Rusty Smith
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Rusty Smith is an elk hunting fool.. With more than 30 years experience hunting elk he shares with us some unconventional tactics that can help you seal the deal when calling isn't working. #elkhunting #elkhunter #buglingbulls #elkseason #elkpodcast #daysinthewild #bullelk #bigbulls #bowhunting #bowhunter
Follow Rusty on instagram

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Elk Calling Like A Champion with Beau Brooks
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Elk Calling Like A Champion with Beau Brooks
Show Notes:
What’s it like to be a World Elk Calling champion? It’s a pretty tough competition, and Beau Brooks is here to share how he bested everyone else in this field of hunting, winning the 2022 World Elk Calling Championship title. If you remember a couple of weeks ago, we had Casey Brooks on the show, who is Beau’s dad. We’re going to be talking about some elk calling techniques and jump into a few questions and share a good story or two along the way.
Beau’s dad raised him hunting and he spent his whole life doing it. Beau shares the best elk sounds and how to master them. First, you want to have a solid cow call. He shows how to tweak your techniques so that you sound more like an elk and less like a hunter. Realism is the best thing to practice. Mastering cow calling goes a long way, especially if you also master the right hunting skills, like getting close enough. Another cow sound is one that is a little more prolonged, and a sound cows make when they’re excited. Beau walks through how he makes the sound using calling tools and mouth techniques. Adding emotion to your calls goes a long way.
Beau also shares tips on how close to get to cows and bulls. Getting close enough to bulls to make them uncomfortable and have them listen to you is key. He talks about calf calls and when to use them as well. We chat about bugles and Beau’s go-to techniques. One of the best things to do is to take a breather and sit down, wait, and listen before calling. Beau shares his take on when to challenge bulls and when to use calls, and it very much varies. Patience is so important, and you have to assess each situation as it comes.
What’s Inside:
The best elk sounds to master.
Cow calling best practices.
How close you should get to cows and bulls.
When to use calf calls.
Beau’s top bugling techniques.
When to challenge a bull vs using calls.
What a typical day of elk hunting looks like for Beau.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
BeauHunter66 on Instagram
Short Description:.
Beau Brooks is Casey Brooks’ son, and he’s a world champion elk caller. He’s on the show today to share some of his top calling techniques and how to make improvements to up your game. Elk calling is way more than the call itself, and Beau shares all the details and what it takes to hunt elk like a champion.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, big buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, elk calls, bugling

Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Robby Denning The Mind of an Elite Mule Deer Hunter Throwback
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Robby Denning The Mind of an Elite Mule Deer Hunter Throwback
One of my most downloaded Podcasts of all time is mule deer hunting discussion with Robby Denning
Robby shares with me some insight in what it takes to get to the next level.
*We talk tag strategy
*Pre-Season Scouting
* An what sets Robby apart
#muledeer #muleymonday #muledeerhunter #muleyfreak

Monday Sep 05, 2022
Early Elk Season with Shannon Mobbs
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Early Elk Season with Shannon Mobbs
Show Notes:
Shannon Mobbs is a buddy of mine and it’s time to talk about elk season since it’s right around the corner. I’m about to head to New Mexico to hunt antelope and a friend of mine has a cattle ranch and I was able to get a landowner tag. It sounds like it will be promising, but I have no idea what to expect. The tag is good for three days and I can use any weapon. Antelope hunting is a lot of fun and I’m taking a friend who’s a first timer.
Shannon shares what he likes to do to prepare for the upcoming elk season. He picks up his gym time and getting back into it after taking some down time is always difficult. Staying in shape all year round is always ideal and sometimes it helps to switch up your routine. It also helps to keep your equipment and technique dialed in and stay active in whatever season is happening at the time. Buying a new bow and changing up your equipment is all about timing and something that a lot of hunters take into consideration.
We get into scouting and Shannon talks about how he chooses the spots he uses for the season. He uses onX mapping technology to zoom in on travel paths and trails. He uses cameras a little bit but doesn’t depend on them. Elk hunting is far more competitive these days, which isn’t everyone’s thing, but Shannon enjoys it. He has tips for folks heading out in early elk season and the difference in tactics between the early season and later. We talk about the moon phases as well and how it impacts elk in different areas. It’s been a while since I’ve had Shannon on, so he spends some time catching us up on his best hunting stories since our last conversation.
What’s Inside:
What to do leading up to an elk hunt to prepare.
Changes in equipment and how it impacts hunting.
Scouting and how Shannon chooses spots.
Tactics for early elk season vs mid and late elk season.
Moon phases and elk hunting.
Shannon’s latest hunting stories.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:.
It’s almost elk season and Shannon Mobbs has a ton of tips to help you get ready. We chat about what to do to prepare, including ramping up gym time and checking your equipment. Shannon shares what he likes to do for scouting, the differences between early and later elk seasons, moon phases, and more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, antelope, elk season, scouting, shannon mobbs, days in the wild

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Elk Hunting with Dirk Durham
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Elk Hunting Storytelling Session with Dirk Durham
Show Notes:
In hunting, when you mix years of practice and experience, you become an expert. Dirk Durham is a world champion elk caller, and he’s here for a storytelling session about his elk hunting journey. He started with a bow when he was 15 and hasn’t missed a season since. This fall will be Dirk’s 33rd year of elk hunting. Outside the hunting season, Dirk is a marketing manager at Phelps, where he wears a ton of different hats from social media and content management to R&D on new products, even customer service.
When Dirk started elk hunting in the 80s, there wasn’t a whole lot of information on how to do it. There were a few VHS videos and books here and there, and Dirk’s dad wasn’t into bow hunting. But he wanted to elk hunt and once his dad saw that he was serious, he told him that if he got an elk with a bow, he would reimburse Dirk for what he spent on his bow and supplies. He put in a ton of time learning calls and how to shoot a bow and even went out hunting in the mornings before school. Dirk eventually came through and his dad made good on his promise.
Dirk shares tips on how to get close to bulls. It takes a lot of practice, time, and patience and we all learn from experiences. He also shares a story about him and his brother hunting in a storm and the challenges of tracking a bull with the blood getting washed away. Taking advantage of the weather and shifting your strategy can be a benefit if you know what you’re doing. The hunting community has come a long way in terms of information out there for new hunters, so it’s always great to hear from people who became successful hunters directly from experience.
What’s Inside:
Stories from Dirk’s elk hunting career.
Tips on how to get close to bulls.
How to make the best of hunting in a storm.
How to locate elk in the dark.
Mentioned in this episode
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
The Bugler on Instagram
The Bugler on Facebook
The Bugler on YouTube
Phelps Game Calls on YouTube
Short Description:.
Dirk Durham, AKA The Bugler, is a world champion elk caller and a marketing manager at Phelps. On the show today, he shares some of the best stories he’s collected since he started his hunting career at 15. We talk about different techniques to get close to bulls, hunting in the rain, how to locate elk in the dark, and much more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, big buck hunting, hunting stories, elk calling, elk hunting, bugling, storytelling, dirk durham, days in the wild

Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Antelope Hunting Tips 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Anthony Stallone AKA "Mr. Phoenix Shooting Bags joins me in my studio for a little chat about antelope. We discuss some tips and trips about antelope hunting with a bow.

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Elk Season 30 days out what do I Do ? - Joe Giglia
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Elk Season is 30days out what do I do? Joe Giglia and I go over some things you should be doing to maximize your elk hunting this fall. Elk hunting as most hunting is a game of inches, meaning success is found in the details. Joe and I talk about the details you need to pay attention to in order to fortify your chances of tagging out on your elk this season.
Check out elk Bros on IG and online

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Elk Calling Adventures with Michael Batease
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Elk Calling Adventures with Michael Batease
Show Notes:
We are in for a much-needed catch-up storytelling session with the founder of the Elk Calling Academy, Michael Batease. The last time we spoke was back in 2019, and Michael was just starting out with the academy. The Elk Calling Academy has since grown a lot, and he now has a Patreon and does one-on-one sessions. Michael does live Q&As and is currently working on switching over to a true e-course platform, targeted for July. The Elk Calling Academy is great for everyone, especially if you’re new to elk hunting and calling.
Elk calling requires special skills and abilities and not everyone can physically do it. A lot of people use externals when they can’t use diaphragms. It takes time to learn how to master both methods. Michael talks about some of the advancements and improvements companies are coming out with to make things easier. Michael shares a story about when one of his reeds started sticking and made a noise that scared a bull away. He even wound up throwing the call in the fire!
We talk about using lower sounding elk calls and how responsive the cows are in terms of answering. There are times to be loud and times to turn it down. As elk hunting becomes more popular, the more calls there are in the environment. Michael and I also chat about hunting in different kinds of places where you wouldn’t think elk are hanging out. Many people want open country, but they’re in smaller pockets, too. A lot of hunters are afraid to try new stuff and fall in love with one area. Don’t be afraid to use a new technique and head to a new area.
What’s Inside:
Nuances of elk calling and vocalizations.
Challenges of using externals and diaphragms.
Stories from Michael’s adventures in elk hunting.
Volume levels of elk calls.
Elk hunting in different types of land.
Mentioned in this episode:
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Elk Calling Academy on Facebook
Elk Calling Academy on Instagram
Elk Calling Academy on YouTube
Elk Calling Academy Patreon
Short Description:.
Michael Batease is back for a catch-up storytelling session on all things elk calling. Michael shares some of his best elk hunting stories and we share a laugh or two. We also discuss how to use different calls, the effectiveness of call volumes, and elk hunting in open country vs. smaller pockets.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, big buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, elk calling, bugling, diaphragm