Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Monday Apr 05, 2021
2021 Javelina Hunting Season
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Title: Javelina Hunting with Kids
Show Notes:
You cannot beat the javelina hunt for an easy and accessible way to introduce kids to hunting. My cousin Anthony Stallone and I recently took our kids out together for a javelina junior hunt to give them some experience and a little boost of confidence.
If you’ve never had javelina, or you’ve had it and hated it, you’re missing out. It took me a few tries to figure out how to get the meat cooked just right, but now Anthony and I both love it. That makes javelina both a great hunt and a delicious game to eat.
I’m very adamant about not taking too many javelina out of the same herd because their chances of survival drop when they go below 5 in a herd. One of the cool things about finding a herd is you can guarantee that they’ll be in the same area year after year, so you can be selective about harvesting just the right ones. And since they reliably produce, hunting them is so much easier year after year.
There are some unique challenges to getting kids to listen while also teaching them about hunting safely. What you learn in school you might walk away and forget, but what you learn while you’re hunting will stick with you forever. That’s one of the reasons we make the effort to pass on our love for hunting with the next generation.
What’s Inside:
How I cut up javelina efficiently to maximize the meat and minimize the risk of cutting that gland.
If you’ve only taught a kid to hunt from a certain position, that could come back to bite you in the field; how Anthony had to work around that problem.
Anthony’s son tells his version of shooting a javelina.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Short Description:
Anthony Stallone and I talk about how we teach kids to hunt, which sounds amazing if you love the mix of kids who don’t listen and guns. But Anthony and I both want our kids to learn, and the javelina hunt is the perfect beginner hunt for kids.
Hunting with kids, AZ hunting, AZ hunting guide, pig hunts, javelina hunts, junior hunts, hunting safety with kids, cooking javelina, best wild meat

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Talking Turkey w/ Parrey Cremeans
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Title: Turkey Talk
Show Notes:
Parrey Cremeans guides for mule deer, elk, turkey, and more at Just For Hunting in California and beyond. He’s embarking on the Super Slam which is harvesting a turkey in all 49 states. Yes, that’s 48 states, plus Hawaii. Alaska proved to be too cold for them. Parrey calls it “Chasing 49”, and he discusses some of his favorite turkey hunting stories today.
In parts of the country that are heavily populated, you might have to get creative about how you hunt. But when you hear people sharing their stories about how they’ve got a flock of turkeys in their backyards, then you know they’re all over the country. In certain states in the east, you can’t even pull a tag until you can prove that you have permission to hunt on someone’s land.
Okay, you’ve located a roost. What do you do next? Parrey walks me through the next step once you find turkeys. Everything in the woods is a community species, and they all want to be together until they don’t have to. So of course, the time of year, or the breeding season, is going to play a big role in your stalking or calling strategy.
A lot of turkey hunters will say, “Turkeys were made to be shot with a shotgun”. Well, that depends on whether you’re shooting in the east or the west. Back east, you might see one or two toms and three hens, but out west, Parrey’s seen groups of 60-200 at a time. If you’re chasing turkeys in 49 different states, you’re going to need to change your strategy dozens of times to adjust for their different habits.
If you need a guide in Northern California, or you’re interested in a turkey hunt, check out Parrey’s website for more information.
What’s Inside:
As an avid bowhunter, Parrey has had to adjust his strategy when stalking eastern flocks of birds.
Coyote calling or crow calling: What’s the best method to call at a turkey?
Hunting turkey is going to inevitably put you on private property, especially in more populated states like New Jersey.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Short Description:
Did you know that you can hunt turkey in 49 out of 50 American states? Yes, even Hawaii has wild turkeys. Parrey Cremeans from Just For Hunting and Mossy Oak talks turkey strategy when hunting all across the country as he pursues his goal of “Chasing 49”.
Turkey hunting, turkey hunting in the east, chasing 49, best turkey hunt, calling turkeys, turkey decoys, guided CA hunts, guided AZ hunts

Monday Mar 22, 2021
Barbary Sheep, Elk, and Buffalo Hunting with Paul Bias
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Barbary Sheep, Elk, and Buffalo Hunting with Paul Bias
Show Notes:
Paul Bias is an Arizona native, and has been hunting since he was a young kid. He does some guiding on the side right now, but he’s anticipating moving to guiding full-time in the next few years as he gets ready to retire from his day job.
Paul lucked out this year and drew some really awesome tags. COVID may have scared off some hunters, but it gave him an opportunity to really get out there and hunt some new species. Drawing a tag as a non-resident is like betting against the house. So when Paul got one for New Mexico, he was thrilled.
He started scoping out his elk hunt online beforehand, but with barbary sheep, he’d never hunted them before so he didn’t know quite what he was doing at first. He started out on the desert floor, and glassed them up on the mountains. Then he’d stalk them up the mountain, heading straight up and over piles of shale. He’d find the sheep consistently through the binoculars, but going up the mountains really added an element of surprise into the hunt.
In June, Paul’s going up for a buffalo hunt. He’s taking every opportunity to get out there and see some amazing scenery and go stalk some new animals. Don’t put off your next hunting trip because you want everything to line up perfectly. Get out into the wild and enjoy the hunt.
What’s Inside:
Paul’s approach to pulling tags, and why now’s a great time to just go for it.
People always have an opinion about their first shot being perfect, so Paul shares his strategy around getting that first attempt just right.
After processing the meat from his last elk hunt, Paul talks about some of his favorite game meat.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Short Description:
Paul Bias has been hunting since he was a kid, and this year he pulled some amazing tags. With the attitude of just getting out there, he’s been able to see some new scenery, hunt some new animals, and cross some items off of his hunting bucket list.
AZ hunting, guided AZ hunt, bison hunt, buffalo hunt, barbary sheep hunt, elk hunting, AZ hunting guide, NM hunting

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
HR8 Gun Control Emergency Action Needed
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Please contact your Senators and tell them you don't want this bill

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Bonus episode John Stallone on We Get Outdoors podcast
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Sorry guys the audio is very shaky on this one, We get outdoors podcast is overseas and we used his recording system not mine, but the information is good and its an interesting chat with Rob Yates

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Craig Steele predator hunting
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Bobcat and Coyote Hunting with Craig Steele
Show Notes:
For over 25 years, Craig Steele has been guiding predator hunts in Arizona, and he takes some time today to talk about his strategies, and how weather and animal behavior affect his stalk.
I’ve always done well with predator hunting by just following inclement weather. Craig’s theory is that 24-48 hours after a big storm is the most optimal time to go hunting coyotes. They’ve been holed up for days, and they’re hungry. And hungry coyotes will go after almost anything.
While you can stalk elk following their feeding patterns, you’ll need to think of predator hunting a little differently. I like to mark on my OnX a known hunting spot, and then return later to that spot because once you know a coyote or bobcat like an area, they’ll return to it. I’ve found that if you have success in an area before, you can revisit that area in 3-6 months, or even a year later, and still get good results.
If you’re looking for a guided predator hunt, you can connect with Craig on Instagram or through his website Predator Exclusives.
What’s Inside:
Hunting for predators isn’t like following the feed for deer or elk.
How to use the weather to plan a predator hunt.
My theory on how often you should return to an area where you’ve had success before.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Craig Steele on Instagram
Predator Exclusives
Short Description:
If you’re interested in trying out predator hunting, then you’ll need to change your mindset because you’re stalking an animal that has significantly different habits and motivations than an elk or a deer. Even if you’re just looking to pick up some new strategies, Craig Steele from Predator Exclusives is laying out fresh new ideas on this podcast.

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Bonus episode John Stallone Bowhunter
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
I was invited to do a podcast on The Interview with Craig Weinberg and I had great time chatting with him on various aspects of my life and bowhunting.

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Zach Kenner Goat Hunting from a Boat in Alaska
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Goat Hunting from a Boat in Alaska
Show Notes:
Passionate about hunting in Alaska, Zach Kenner talks up the benefits of hunting from a boat, and chasing down billy goats. The remoteness of the Alaskan wilderness can make it a challenge to get at the animals, but Zach loves the challenge of figuring out an accessible and affordable way to keep chasing down trophy animals.
Zach’s not a native to Alaska, and sometimes his head is stuck on thinking about hunting like he’s still in the lower 48 states. The weather and the sheer inaccessibility of some of the best areas means that really thinking through a strategy is required. Looking for a billy goat to add to his trophy collection, Zach shares how he hunted goats from a boat. Being out on the water can add a whole new challenge depending on if it’s the more sheltered inlets like south of Ketchikan, or if you’re out on the water like out around Kodiak.
You can’t get around flying into certain parts of Alaska because there’s sometimes no other way to access those remote areas. And when a plane trip costs $3,000, the cost of a hunt can add up quickly. I know when I’m filming a hunt, I have to balance the cost of the travel, the food, the tags, and even if I need to hire a local guide. Zach and I talk about the trade offs for traveling or staying close to home for hunting.
What’s Inside:
We talk about the quotas of different animals, and how that affects the hunting in Alaska, Arizona, and Idaho.
How the goats can get “aged” because of the landscape.
Alaskan hunting can include fighting through Devil’s Club, rugged cliffs and rainy banana belt weather.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Zach Kenner on Instagram
Short Description:
If you want to make the best of your Alaskan hunting trip, Zach Kenner says to avoid getting hung up on a lot of the rules that hunters in the lower 48 states have learned. From all of the traveling you’ll do to reach the best hunting grounds to slogging through a temperate rainforest to hunt, hunting in Alaska is amazing.
Goat hunting, Alaskan hunting, hunting on Kodiak, AK hunting, boat hunt, hunting on a budget, hunting guide, hunting on a boat

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Bear & Bighorn Sheep Hunting in British Columbia with Nick Trehearne
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Bear & Bighorn Sheep Hunting in British Columbia with Nick Trehearne
Show Notes:
Based out of Northern British Columbia, Nick Trehearne has been able to marry his love of hunting and photography and work as a full-time photographer for the last nine years. His stomping grounds are some of the most remote and beautiful spots in North America.
When you’re out in the mountains, your depth perception can get a little off. Nick talks about hunting in Southern Alberta where he was out for 18 hours for just one stalk because of the distances he needed to travel. Sometimes using technology can help you fix problems like this, but sometimes technology can cause more problems because it doesn’t work in the field like it’s supposed to.
One of Nick’s favorite hunts is the spring bear hunt in BC. It’s all spot-and-stalk, with no baiting allowed. But it’s nothing to glass 30-40 bears in a single night. The rules for bear hunting are different, but that shouldn’t hold you back. This is a great hunt that Nick highly recommends.
If you’re interested in javelina hunts in Arizona, check out the newly revamped Days in the Wild website where all of my guided hunts are in one place.
What’s Inside:
How many deer get wounded because people guess the wrong range?
Relying on technology can be a blessing or a curse depending on how new or reliable it is.
Hunting outside Yellowstone means you have to plan for how the wildlife will react around the huge amount of people they often encounter.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Nick Trehearne on Instagram
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Short Description:
Full-time hunting and fishing photographer Nick Trehearne hunts across Alberta and British Columbia for bear and bighorn sheep. Canadian wildlife, terrain, and hunting rules are a little different, so we talk about some of his favorite hunts in Canada and the Yellowstone are.
Javelina hunting, hunting in British Columbia, sheep hunting, bear hunting in BC, hunting in Canada, sheep hunting in Alberta, bear hunting in Canada

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Caje Golden the Cameraman Life in field stories
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Caje Golden the Cameraman Life in field stories
Show Notes:
Caje Golden plays baseball for Montana State University and is also a professional hunting guide. We sat down to talk about some of his favorite hunts, and how he ended up taking his camera along for the hunt.
When you get back from a hunt and you’re describing the buck that got away, no one’s going to believe you without some pictures. That was what initially drove Caje into marrying his love of hunting with photography. The hunting photography niche is full of experts who’ve been generous and open with their knowledge, and Caje talks about his journey in this hobby.
First-aid courses are a requirement for being a guide, but the first time you have to apply what you learned can be a little wild. Gutting out an elk once, I was talking to my wife and sliced my thumb right down to the bone. When you’re stuck in the backcountry and you’re hundreds of miles from a hospital, getting help after taking a broadhead to your thigh is going to become a legendary, and bloody, story.
I usually get a chance to sit down with my buddies and talk, but it was great to meet a new hunter and hear about some of the hunts that have shaped his work as a guide. If you’re interested in hiring a guide, check out my website for guided hunts throughout the year in Arizona and South Dakota.
What’s Inside:
The photography courses and mentors that Caje has used to develop his photography skills.
First-aid and emergency services in the backcountry can be sketchy.
What happens when you’re a guide and your client dies on the mountain?
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags Save 20% with code: johnstallone
Days in the Wild Save 15% on everything at Bushnell with code: STL02
Caje Golden on Instagram
Short Description:
For a young hunter, Caje Golden has great stories that reflect his commitment to hunting and outdoor life. From hunting photography to emergency mountainside first-aid, Caje shares stories from his favorite hunting trips in Montana.
First-aid while hunting, Montana hunting stories, hunting photography, best Montana hunting photography, hunting in mud, best hunting photography mentors