Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Monday May 25, 2020
Michael Batease Elk Hunting Scenarios part 1 11.25
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
What’s Inside:
Determining the size of a bull by sound can be deceptive sometimes, says Michael.
Michael talks about how to play on the herd dynamics.
If a herd bull deals with satellite bulls all day long, how are you going to get him to move?
We talk about the different kinds of decoys we’ve used and when they worked well (and when they didn’t).
Mentioned in this Episode:
Days in the Wild on itunes
Days in the Wild on Podbean
Phoenix Shooting Bags
Elk Calling Academy
Elk Calling Academy on Facebook
Elk Calling Academy on Youtube
Elk Calling Academy on Instagram
Short Description:
Sometimes just bugling at a bull elk won’t cause any sort of reaction from him. Michael Batease from Elk Calling Academy has expert advice on how you can talk to a bull so that they actually react to you. By recognizing the different kinds of sounds a bull produces, and what those sounds mean can make the difference between putting in elk in the ground and wasting an entire hunting trip.
Elk hunting, hunting scenarios, bugling bulls, stalking bulls, mimicking cows, elk decoys, do decoys work, hunting elk bulls

Monday May 18, 2020
Hunting With Krissy Hay Knox 11.24
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Hunting With Krissy Hay Knox 11.24
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Thursday May 14, 2020
The Crew talking While on Quarintine in Argentina bonus episode
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Title: Big Game Hunting in Argentina During a PandemicShow Notes:Big game hunting in South America takes on a whole new dimension when you add in apandemic, a quarantine, a little civil unrest, and the most unbelievably gorgeous scenery. I waslooking for my gold trophy class, so I share some details about my hunt. My wife and friends talkabout their impressions of Argentina, and their experiences about the trophy hunt.First of all, the itinerary did not tell us there was going to be a small revolution while we weredown there. After having been reassured in October that everything was totally under control,we were surprised by the graffiti, crowds, and a tear gas experience while out in a restaurant.Our guides took us out in the morning, and the mist was pretty incredible. We hunted for redstag, fallow deer, and Axis deer. There was wildlife everywhere, and it was the perfect situationfor cover, with bushes almost the exact, right distance from each other.There was a lot of respect for the animals, from the guides to the drivers to the hunters. Ourwives talk about what surprised them about the hunt. They realized that the shot is such a smallpart of the hunt. The calm before the shoot, the stalking, and all of the work to get to the top ofthe mountain; they’re all a much bigger part of the hunt than they realized.The food was unbelievable, and we’ve never eaten so many wild game dishes where each dishis better than the last. The topography, the landscape; it was just all amazing.We kept getting hints that things in the outside world were not going well. After a visit fromChilean immigration, we had to contact the U.S. embassy, and we realized that all internationalflights were being canceled. We had a small window to return to the United States before wewere stranded in South America until June. Stay tuned for part 2.
What’s Inside:● Taking friends and wives along on a big game hunt in Argentina was an unforgettableexperience.● The topography, weather, and animals in a totally new locale made the experienceunlike any other.● Our trip was made more exciting by tear gas, civil unrest, and the Coronsvirus. Plus, aquarantine, and nearly getting stuck in South America.● Our wives share their experiences, feelings, and thoughts about the hunt.
Tags:Argentina hunt, fallow deer hunt, Axis deer hunt, exotic hunting, big game hunt, hunting during aquarantine, big game in Argentina, big game hunt in Chile

Monday May 11, 2020
Red Stags, Social Revolutions and Corona Virus Qurantine in Argentina 11.23
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Hunting For Red Stag in Argentina During a PandemicShow Notes:It was about 10 years ago when I first started looking into doing a big hunt, but it took that longto get everything lined up just right. I knew that I wanted to go to Argentina instead of a placelike New Zealand because I wanted to hunt for red stag. It wasn’t until I connected with myfriend Nico who owns an outfit down in Argentina that I could get everything pulled together, butI never anticipated how a worldwide pandemic would impact all of my carefully made plans.One of the reasons I chose Argentina is because red stag have been there longer, since the1800s and the herds are almost native at this point. I prepared for shooting at deer and not elk,but the bone structure of red stag is more dense than elk. I talk about how this impacted myhunt with them and what I’d do differently next time.It took us a little while to realize that we were caught between the pandemic, possible jail time inArgentina for breaking the quarantine, and panic because the flights kept getting canceled. Wewere a couple of hundred miles from Buenos Aires, and we had spotty wi-fi in the middle of theday. Probably the most difficult part of this trip was how hard it was to communicate with theoutside world.Since we were quarantined by the government, we decided to use this opportunity to go afteranother stag. I had that stag fever, and you know how hard that is to shake once you’ve got it.The ranch owner offered to let me shoot anything for $1,500, so we were all trying to make thebest out of the situation. However, nothing, and I mean nothing, worked out the way I planned.I want to recognize all of the positive parts of this experience because it’s easy to focus on thenegative ones. People I hadn’t talked to in years contacted me to help us get out. I got my stagthat I’d always wanted. And despite everything, I would go back and do it again. It was anamazing experience.What’s Inside:● If you like elk hunting, you’ll love red stag hunting, which was the entire reason I choseArgentina.● I share some of the unique challenges with red stag hunting.● In spite of all of the craziness with the pandemic, we were still out there hunting trying totake our minds off of things.● So many people reached out to me to help us try to get out of Argentina when it lookedlike all of the flights were canceled.● Every step of the way, something new and crazy got thrown in our path.
Mentioned in this Episode:Days in the Wild on itunesDays in the Wild on PodbeanPhoenix Shooting Bags
Short Description:With some time now between my big hunting trip to Argentina and my return to the States, I canlook back with some perspective on how everything went down. There were a hundredunplanned, irritating things that happened, but also some amazing experiences that I will neverforget. I talk about my stag fever, the one that almost got away, and trying to get out of thecountry when no airlines were flying. It was an unforgettable trip, in more ways than one.
Tags:Argentina stag hunting, hunting in a pandemic, red stag hunting, South American hunts, huntingtrip of a lifetime, hunting during quarantine, big game hunting

Monday May 04, 2020
Candy Yow 11.22
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Title: Teaching Women to Hunt with ConfidenceShow Notes:A great teacher who is passionate about a subject can pass that love and passion along to theirstudents. Candy Yow runs Ladies Hunting from Oregon, and teaches women in organized huntsall over the west to feel confident with their new sport. She says that women need confidencebuilding hunts to help them love hunting.Candy’s husband wanted to teach her to hunt, but Candy realized pretty quickly that she didn’twant to listen to him. For many couples, it’s better learning from someone other than yourspouse.We have both noticed that the right gear and clothes for women will make a difference in howmuch women enjoy hunting. We talk about some of our favorite gear that really takesperformance to the next level.Women need education about hunting to build confidence and also to teach them safety skills.Her hunting camps teach women the farm to table approach, including hunting, field dressing,and cooking the animals. She shares some of the first kill experiences she’s been able to sharein.The best gateway hunt, according to Candy, are the cow elk tags or the deprivation tags. It’s aneasy hunt that builds a lot of confidence for women, and it’s the one she usually turns to for herclients. In Wyoming, the Women’s Only Antelope Hunt pairs them with a mentor, and Candyrecommends it too.The most memorable hunt Candy’s been on wasn’t really about her. She focused on helping hersister regain her confidence and deal with her grief. Her story really illustrates how much ofhunting is in your head and heart.Ladies Hunting is currently planning numerous hunts later this year. This could be a great gift foryourself or your spouse to help them become more self-confident out in the wild.What’s Inside:● By focusing on finding success in a hunt, Candy teaches women to love hunting.● Why proper gear for women will help them become better hunters.● The easiest and most accessible hunts for women and youth.● Candy’s most memorable hunt that brought a lot of healing to her family.
Mentioned in this Episode:Days in the Wild on itunesDays in the Wild on PodbeanPhoenix Shooting BagsWomen’s Wyoming Antelope HuntLadiesHunting.comCandy Yow’s TV show
Tags:ladies hunting, hunting gear for women, building confidence in hunting, women’s hunting camps,hunting teachers, teaching women about hunting, women’s antelope hunt,

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Scott Ellis 4x Grand National Champion Turkey Caller 11.20
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Turkey Hunting secrets with Scott Ellis 4x Grand National Champion Turkey Caller 11.20
in this episode we talk about:
Locating birds in areas you never hunted
Calling in henned up birds
What to do when you are not hearing gobbles
How to call to quiet birds
How to blind call for turkey
Should I use a turkey Decoy
Another podcast Episode with Scott Ellis
#turkeyhunter #turkeyhunting #turkeyseason

Monday Apr 20, 2020
Zach Sandau using OnX Maps to Improve Your Hunting Sucess 11.19
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Episode #: 302
Title: Hunt Smarter, Not Harder With onX Maps
Show Notes:
I’ve been using onX maps as a guide and on my own hunts for a while now, and I consider them my secret to a better hunt. I talk with Zach Sandau from onX about how he uses the tool, how it’s evolved over the last 6 or 7 years, and why using it has changed his hunting habits.
For Zach, one of the reasons this resource is so crucial are the many checkerboard boundaries that exist all over the country. If you’re driving down the road and you see what looks like a great area, how do you know for sure if you’re looking at public or private land?
Zach talks about how he uses the map to find access roads to public lands, and how he uses the public/private land angle as he’s out hunting (and it’s a pretty genius idea).
By marking out where he sees a herd throughout the year, Zach can better predict where the herd will be at any time during the year. The app helps him get a holistic picture of the herd, like where it prefers to eat, or where it’s breeding. This big picture view helps him figure out where they might be bedding down, and helps him zero in on a hunt more quickly.
Some of the not-so-obvious benefits of the app are using it to find an animal that you shot from a distance. When there’s topography, I like to switch to top-o mode to find identifying landmarks to find an animal. The better I get at using the app, the more I can see how it has become the number one deciding factor on many of my hunts.
As a company, onX is committed to meeting the needs of their customers. Zach assures me that they’re constantly adapting the app to meet the needs of their customers by simplifying data and adding better features.
What’s Inside:
How Zach uses the onX app to prepare for a hunt.
Naming hunting districts and color-coding icons helps Zach manage hunts.
How the app has changed how I guide hunts now.
Stalking in on an animal using the range finder simplifies things.
Mentioned in this Episode:
onX Maps website
Short Description:
If you’ve ever been out on a hunt and come across an unexpected fence marking a boundary, then you might understand why it can be frustrating to not know where public lands end and private lands begin. I talk with Zach Sandau from onX Hunt about how we both use the onX map to plan and strategize better hunts, and Zach shares some insider tips on how to best utilize this app.
Hunting apps, hunting strategies, planning a hunt, range finder, hunting districts, hunting on private land, hunting on public land, hunting technology

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Turkey Hunting in AZ Chris Heilman 11.18
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Turkey Hunting in AZ Chris Heilman 11.18
Quick bonus episode about hunting turkey in AZ.
How to tips on how to hunt Turkey in AZ
Locating Turkey in Arizona

Monday Apr 13, 2020
Kyle Davidson building a better Arrow 11.17
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Episode #: 002
Title: Building a Better Arrow For Your Setup
Show Notes:
Whether you’ve attempted to make your own arrows before with little success or you’ve been custom making arrows for your hunting trips for years, you’ll appreciate the technical breakdown of what actually makes a good arrow. With an engineering background in Research & Development, Kyle Davidson from DCA Arrows approaches arrow building with the same precision that he uses in his day job.
Kyle’s friend introduced him to archery, and he was hooked from the start. And of course, it didn’t take him long before he decided to improve on the arrow designs. He was pretty sure that he was fabulous at archery, but soon realized that his superior arrows were what made him look good.
Kyle breaks down the anatomy of an arrow, and explains where he does a lot of his fine-tuning to get better results. He finds that the vanes impart stability and a little bit of drag, and he describes how that works. The knock fit is more important than anything, so be sure and pay attention to how it snaps in.
Super custom work is Kyle’s specialty, and he likes trying new designs that tweak a certain element to get just the right result. I’ve been trying to develop my own broadhead for years now, and it’s really difficult work. We talk about some of the things you have to factor into consideration because it’s not just all about the aim.
If you’re out on a $30,000 hunt, sporting $3000 in clothes, and carrying a $1500 bow, then it’s probably time to up your game and invest a little in some custom arrows. Whether you want to make your own, or just buy some, you can reach out to Kyle for a consultation. Improving your target accuracy could start with better equipment.
What’s Inside:
Balancing weight and sound are important considerations when choosing arrows.
Kyle weighs in on the three fletch versus four fletch debate.
Why Kyle looks for an efficient vane on the arrow.
The best arrow brands that Kyle builds with, and why he sometimes combines them.
Some special considerations for shooting arrows on a windy day.
Mentioned in this Episode:
DCA Custom Arrows
DCA Custom Arrows on Youtube
Short Description:
Making your own arrows is a great way to control the quality of the arrow that you’re shooting on a hunt. There’s a lot of information out there, and not all of it is good. I talk with Kyle Davidson, from DCA Arrows who approaches building arrows with the precision of an engineer. We discuss how to balance the weight of an arrow with other design considerations, and what’s worked for both of us on past hunting trips.
bowhunting, making arrows, best arrow brand, choosing fletching, minimum draw weight, archery, archery hunting, efficient vanes

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
James Fitzgerald Maintaining Normalcy Corona Virus and Staying healthy
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
James Fitzgerald Maintaining Normalcy during COVID 19 and Staying healthy
In these trying times with all this stress and fear of the unknown: will I get sick, will my family be safe, will my business survive, will the world ever be the same...…. will we ever get back to normal. It is super important for us more so now then ever to find a sense of normalcy to ensure we don't compromise our immune systems and open ourselves up to sickness. I had very good talk with my good friend James Fitzgerald what started out as a talk to find ways to workout at home turned into a therapy session and an eye opening discussion about finding normalcy in our lives to stay healthy. This is a good one don't miss it !!!!!
If you want to get that information James was talking about click here
Download and Subscribe to Interviews With The Hunting Masters Big Game Hunting Podcast brought to you by Phoenix Shooting bags on iTunes, Podbean, Player FM or Sticher. It's FREE!
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