Days In The Wild - Big game Hunting podcast
John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting, mule deer, elk, whitetail deer and predator hunting. Formerly Interviews With The Hunting Masters

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Being a Hunting Ambassador with Clint Whitley
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Being a Hunting Ambassador with Clint Whitley
Show Notes:
Clint Whitley is a South Dakota native and hunter who’s spent time all across the western part of our country. He’s got experience hunting a variety of game, including elk, mule deer, waterfowl, and more. Clint and I sat down to talk about hunting, life, activism, and everything in between. We started by catching up on our personal lives, and what happens when family meets hunting (and vise versa).
Today, Clint is in field education. He spends all day in the field, teaching people how to get out and enjoy the hunt and the great outdoors. He told me a bit about what he does on a day-to-day basis. As an outdoor educator, Clint has a lot of firsthand experience with getting more sportsmen in the field.
The truth is: A lot of people out there just don’t know what they’re doing. Clint Whitley plays a crucial role in fixing that problem.
We talked a lot about recruiting hunters, what hunting does for conservation, and how hunters can start conversations with non-hunters. There’s a lot of misinformation and ignorance going around out there. As hunters, it’s important for us to mediate the public on hunting misinformation and propaganda.
Ultimately, there’s a lot of money in the anti-hunting camp. The only way we can fight this is with real-life knowledge and experience. There are some great tips in this episode for talking to the public about our sport – and dealing with anti-hunting activists.
What's Inside:
- How Clint helps novice hunters.
- The importance of hunting for conservation.
- How we can spread the truth about hunting.
- The power of money for the anti-hunting side.
- How to talk to the public about hunting.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Days in the Wild:
Western Hunting Podcast:
Western Hunting Hub Facebook:
Short Description:
We tackled some important issues on this week’s podcast. Clint Whitley is a field educator and experienced hunter. Clint and I sat down to talk about how we can fight for hunting in an increasingly anti-hunting world. This is critical information for experienced and novice hunters alike, so this episode is a must-listen.
Conservation, hunting activism, hunting education, activism, anti-hunting, hunting legislation, big game hunting, days in the wild, Clint Whitley

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Remi Warren
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Remi Warren
Show Notes:
If you’ve been in the hunting world for a while, there’s no way you’ve never heard of the name Remi Warren. Remi is a badass when it comes to hunting elk and deer but those aren’t the only species he hunts. Although he specializes in elk and deer, Remi has vast knowledge on buffalo hunting as well. He’s an expert hunting guide and has expanded his guided expeditions to New Zealand and Australia. In this episode, we really dove in the talk of animal behavior, terrain, the uniqueness of every animal and what has brought him great hunting success.

Monday May 30, 2022
Elk Hunting with Jeff Moran
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
Elk Hunting and the Anti-Hunt Movement with Jeff Moran
Show Notes:
Jeff Moran is an expert hunter, who focuses mostly on elk hunting and bowhunting, and he joins me today on the pod. He’s spent a lot of time hunting whitetail, but recently started zoning in on taking elk with a bow. In fact, he says off the bat that he hasn’t used a rifle in nearly a decade. We swapped stories about elk hunting, traded information about bows and equipment, and a lot more.
We started by talking about issues we all face as hunters: reputation. There’s a growing anti-hunt movement in the country, and they use irresponsible hunters to paint us all as the bad guys. Jeff and I talked about how this happens, why it happens, and what we can do to stop it.
We talked a bit about predator species in different areas across the country. We covered bear, coyotes, and wolves. I’ve done a bit of bear hunting, so it was great to talk about those species with Jeff. After that, we swapped stories about some of our recent hunts. Jeff’s got some great anecdotes about elk hunting up in Idaho.
That led us to talking about arrows and equipment. After Jeff had some problems with one of his arrows, we got into the nitty-gritty on arrow construction and manufacturing. We also talked a bit about the mentality required to get results. From there, Jeff provided some tips for hunting bulls in midday conditions. As an expert elk hunter, it was great to hear these from him.
Jeff and I traded a few more stories, before we ended with a little conversation about wildlife population management — another subject both of us are pretty passionate about.
What's Inside:
- How the “antis” paint hunters as evil in the mainstream media.
- What we can do to avoid this reputation.
- We swap stories about elk hunting.
- Tips for midday elk hunting.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Short Description:
In this episode, I sat down with elk hunter Jeff Moran to talk about his experiences bowhunting for elk. We traded a bunch of stories from hunts we’ve been on. We also talked about arrow construction, the anti-hunt movement, midday hunting, population management, and a whole lot more.
Elk hunting, anti-hunting movement, elk, population management, bowhunting, predator hunting, big game hunting, days in the wild, jeff moran

Thursday May 26, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Fred Eichler Elk hunting
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Fred Eichler
Show Notes:
A lot of variables come into play when you’re elk hunting, or any kind of hunting for that matter. But a lot of hunters fail to understand that they need to be doing the research and get away from the crowds to be successful in hunting. Fred Eichler is an experienced guide who has a permit in 1.3million acres of hunting area. We sat down and talked about Colorado hunting and tags, using different resources for research such as talking to biologists and the data that proves you need to get away from where everyone else is hunting so you double your chances of success.

Monday May 23, 2022
Spring Bear Season with Doug Boze
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Spring Bear Season with Doug Boze
Show Notes:
Doug Boze has been hunting for about 30 years and in his own words, he hunts anything that walks: deer, bear, and other big game. He joined us on the podcast to talk about his favorite hunt: black bear. I kicked us off by telling Doug about my experience in predator hunting and calling.
Doug talked a bit about what he looks for in a hunting area. When he gets into the field, he looks for places that seem ‘bearish.’ While that might not sound helpful at first glance, it’s just one of those things that takes experience. Doug told me what defines ‘bearish’ for him – what type of landscape, drainage areas, and other hints that bears are present.
Food is the most important thing for bears. So, Doug says that should be the most important factor for bear hunters. Find out what bears are eating and where their food can be found. Bears also strip trees like no one’s business: that’s one of the best ways to find spring bears. Aside from that, there’s tracks, scat, and a few other telltale signs that Doug told me about.
We went on to talk a lot more about bear hunting and calling. Doug also has a great story about bear hunting with his brother during the late season. After that, we discussed the anti-hunt movement and the future of bear hunting. The politics of bear hunting are crazier than ever. Doug and I have some ideas about what we can do about that.
What's Inside:
- What to look for when hunting bears.
- What a ‘bearish’ landscape looks like.
- Identifying trees stripped by bears.
- A deep dive on the politics of bear hunting.
- How to fix the issues with hunting legislation.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Days in the Wild:
Douglas Boze:
Short Description:
Doug Boze is an experienced bear hunter and author. He joined me this week to discuss spring bear hunting techniques, strategies, calling, and more. You’ll also find a deep dive on the politics and future of bear hunting – we talked for a bit about the ‘state of affairs’ with the anti-hunting movement.
Bear hunting, bear calling, black bears, hunting activism, hunting education, anti-hunting, hunting legislation, big game hunting, days in the wild, Doug Boze

Thursday May 19, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Eddie Willy Early season deer AZ
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Eddie Willy
Show Notes:
Not a lot of people talk about the early season deer hunting in Arizona. Most people overlook it and just goes with the regular archery hunting season because of the heat that comes with being in the desert but there’s a lot that goes into it. The good hunts don’t always happen near the water. I sat down with Eddie Willy from Southeast Arizona Hunts to talk about early season deer hunting. We share stories and knowledge on animal behavior during the early season, bedding habits, how to locate deer during this time of the year and more useful bits to help early season hunters.

Monday May 16, 2022
AZ OTC Deer Hunt Changes with David Rigo
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
AZ OTC Deer Hunt Changes with David Rigo
Arizona’s over-the-counter, nonpermit-tag archery deer hunting opportunity will continue for the 2022-2023 hunts, but harvest limits have been set by unit and by species.
This approach is in accordance with hunt guidelines ( approved April 1, 2022, by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Harvest limits were set at 20 percent of the estimated harvest for a unit and species. Failure to report a harvest, as well as hunting in a closed unit, will be strictly enforced.
All over-the-counter archery deer hunters will be required to report their harvest either online or by phone within 48 hours of taking their deer (details to be published in the 2022-2023 Arizona Hunting Regulations booklet). When the number of deer equaling the archery deer harvest limit for a particular unit and species has been reported, the unit will be closed to further archery deer hunting at sundown the Wednesday immediately following.
Hunters will be responsible for checking online or by telephone before hunting to determine if their desired hunt unit is still open. The department’s website will be updated continuously to reflect the number of deer harvested and whether a harvest limit has been reached and a unit is closed.
The 2022-2023 Arizona Hunting Regulations will be posted online in early May at

Thursday May 12, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Billy Babish Mule deer
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Throwback Thursday with Billy Babish
Show Notes:
I’ve got my good friend and long-time hunting colleague, Billy Babish, on the TBT today. Being Arizona natives, Billy and I both know what it’s like to be archery hunting late in the season in this state. But Billy has a special skill…he only gets to hunt by himself for about 5-6 days in a year but he always manages to bag himself a buck. He’s got great know-hows about late season archery hunting in AZ and he gave us the low-down on Coues and mules, animal patterns, strategies he’s tried and what has worked for him over the years. Talking Mule Deer Hunting Tactics with Muley Slayer Marc Smith
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Monday May 09, 2022
Hunt anywhere and have success
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
How to Fight for Hunting
Show Notes:
As someone with 40 years of hunting experience, I’ve seen the ebbs and flows of the anti-hunt movement. Today, it’s growing year after year. So, I sat down this week to talk a little about land management, hunting strategy, but most importantly: Howl for Wildlife. Howl for Wildlife is a new organization dedicated to hunting activism. Activism can be a dirty word for many hunters, but it’s time for us to stand up for our right to hunt.
I talked a bit about my background in hunting, and how I became a hunting guide. I went on to discuss my hunting and scouting strategy. My strategy depends on the animal I’m hunting, of course, so I started with mule deer. We talked a bit about what kind of habitat keeps does around and what we should be looking for as hunters. We also swapped some stories about our experiences hunting, guiding, and more.
After that, we got into the meat of the episode: hunting activism. “Activism” isn’t a word usually associated with our side, but it’s about time that hunters start being active. The anti-hunt movement is only growing, and it’s up to us to fight that. We talked a bit about the anti-hunt movement, and how that type of disinformation can impact policy change.
That led me into my organization, Howl for Wildlife. The organization was founded to work for hunters, and we’ve already had some success. I talked a bit about the story of Howl for Wildlife, and what we are doing for hunters today. We had a great conversation about conservation, activism, and uniting as hunters.
What's’ Inside:
- Tips and tricks for reading the land.
- How anti-hunting legislation spreads across the nation.
- The importance of unity as hunters.
- How the mainstream media paints hunters as the bad guys.
- How you can help fight for hunting rights.
Mentioned in this episode:
Howl for Wildlife:
Phoenix Shooting Bags:
Days in the Wild:
Short Description:
This week on the podcast, we talked about hunting rights and the importance of hunting activism. That’s typically not a word associated with our side of things, but it’s critical that we come together as hunters and stand up for what’s right. Aside from that, we had a great conversation about hunting strategy and reading land.
Hunting activism, reading land, howl for wildlife, land management, hunting rights, anti-hunt movement, big game hunting, days in the wild

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Bonus episode Backwoods Bowhunters and I episode 1
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Bonus episode Backwoods Bowhunters and I episode 1
Me and the Guys from Backwoods Bowhunter Podcast have a discussion about a lot of different things and in episode 2 we get into some of my hunting stories. Tim and Mike some really cool guys and were fun to talk to.